First Session

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The school day ended, and Caitlin made it to the tutor center right on the dot. She got out the papers needed to help Barry.
"Don't worry, Caitlin. This won't be that bad." She then thought to herself.

Minutes went by and finally Barry walked in slowly and carelessly. He had a face with no emotion and his hand was ruffling through his hair. Caitlin stopped admiring him and turned her focus back to her work. Barry rolled his eyes and sat down.
"Alright, so here's how this will go. You're going to do my homework from now on and when we're in class, you can do what you did today. Got it?" He ordered. Caitlin stared blankly at him.
"Hell no! What did he just say?! There's no way I'm doing that!...but if I don't do this for him he'll hate me and make the whole school trash me even more....ugh." She started to think. Barry sighed and took out his english assignment. Caitlin looked at the paper and sighed. She then took it and put it in her bag.
"I'll do it when I get home." She mumbled shyly. Barry smiled.
"Good!" He replied. Caitlin nodded.
"At least you're on his good side. Right?" She thought to herself as Barry hurled up saliva and spit across the room into the trash can. Barry then took Caitlin's wrist and looked at her watch.
"I have practice. Later," He said before getting up and leaving Caitlin speechless. Caitlin then looked at the assignment again and started to write.

Hours had gone by and Caitlin went home to complete Barry's project. She wasn't even close to being done. She had music playing in the background to help her concentrate better. Moments later, she then heard a loud slam. Caitlin flinched knowing who it was. She stayed still while continuing to write.
"CAITLIN?!" A male voice sounded loudly. Caitlin sighed and placed her pencil down.
"Yes? I'm in here!" She said as nice as possible.
"Get your ass over here I'm not coming to you!!" The man shouted. Caitlin then got up fast and walked to him.
"Yes Uncle Ken?" She said softly. The man then smacked Caitlin across the face making her fall to the ground.
"You didn't give me the weekly pay check and I had to take the money from my charge account! IM TRYING TO SAVE UP FOR A NEW CAR YOU IDIOT! Where's my money?!" Ken questioned. Caitlin flinched and stood up.
"It's in my purse." She muttered while getting the pay check and handing it to him. Ken then took the check and glared at Caitlin.
"Go clean the house! Make yourself useful you worthless piece of garbage! I can't believe I have to deal with you just because your parents died." He ordered loudly. Caitlin teared up and started to clean the house.
After cleaning the whole house completely, Caitlin took her papers to her bedroom and began to work on Barry's essay and her homework. She was crying as she wrote causing her handwriting to be sloppier than usual.

*******NEXT DAY*******

Caitlin walked into the school exhausted and slumped. She went to her first period class late went to Barry's desk.
"Take it." She whispered while holding out the essay. Barry then looked up at her and saw a purple and black circle surrounding her eye.
"What happened to her?" He thought to himself. Caitlin then shoved the essay into his chest and sat at her desk. Barry looked at the essay and sighed in guilt. Mr. Jones turned around and immediately saw the big bruise on Caitlin's eye. He widened his eyes and began teaching again. Caitlin kept her full attention on the board; writing as much notes down as possible. Barry stared at her as she rushed to write all the notes down.
The bell finally rang and Caitlin got up fast trying to avoid everyone. Mr.Jones couldn't even get to talk to her because she walked out so fast. Barry sighed and went to go see Caitlin, but his friends started to come up to him and talk to him. Barry laughed with his friends as they walked away. To be cont. HEYYY!😘❤️

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