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Later that day, Caitlin went back home after helping Barry. She was pretty scared to go home considering her uncle had just given her a black eye. She then walked into the house and went straight to her room. Caitlin started to study on her bed while listening to music. She then started to sing and dance around her room. Moments later she heard a door slam and she immediately turned off her music and sat on her bed starting to study again.
"Caitlin?!" Her uncle shouted loudly. Caitlin then sighed and started to shake from fear. The uncle then barged open her door and went to her.
"I heard about this new party that someone at your school is throwing." The uncle said in a serious tone. Caitlin nodded slowly. The uncle then punched Caitlin in the face making her fall to he ground.
"You better go." He ordered. Caitlin put her hand to her face in pain and nodded. The uncle then left the room and caitlin ran to the door and locked it so that he couldn't come back in. She felt the oozing pain on her cheek start to throb more. A tear slid down her cheek as she sat down on her bed.
Meanwhile, Barry took out his project and noticed that it wasn't quite finished. He was about to call Caitlin, but instead of grabbing his phone he grabbed a pencil and began to work.

The next morning Caitlin opened her eyes slowly to her loud sounding alarm. She rolled to her alarm clock and pressed the button so that it would quit it's annoying sounding. Caitlin then quickly got dressed and went to the mirror. She examined the bruise on her cheek that was still throbbing. It was purple and black and somewhat green. Caitlin sighed and looked down. She now had two bruises on her face and she had no idea what how she would explain that to people.
Caitlin entered the school and walked fast straight to her locker. She grabbed a hat from inside and put it on to help cover her face better. Barry saw Caitlin from a distance and wanted to show her his completed project. He walked over with a slight smile as caitlin stood with her back to him.
"Hey, Cait" He muttered. Caitlin turned to barry slowly looking down.
"Hi barry! what's up?" She asked in her still soft and kind voice. Barry noticed that Caitlin was looking down and became confused.
"Oh, um I finished my project!" Barry sounded slightly excited. Caitlin smiled and forgot about keeping her head down and she met eye contact with Barry.
"That's amazing! I knew you could do it!" She smiled brightly. Barry's smile faded fast.
"Oh my god, what happened to you?!" He asked worried. Caitlin sighed and tried to think of an explanation.
"Boxing class!" She muttered in excitement.
Barry tilted his head confused.
"Caitlin." He said in a serious tone. He knew that she was lying. Caitlin sighed and crossed her arms.
"It's nothing." She mumbled looking down again. Barry sighed a little upset.
"Well, I guess I'll see you soon, then..." He mumbled before walking away. Caitlin sighed and closed her locker. She began to walk down the hallway still keeping her head faced towards the floor. Barry began to think of what could've happened to Caitlin. He wanted to help her and protect her and he was confused on why he had those feelings about her. He then looked around and left the school not caring about how much trouble he would get in.
"I'm gonna go to her house and see who the hell is abusing her." He thought to himself before getting in his car and driving off. TO BE CONT. ❤️❤️

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