It's Not Over Yet

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An hour had gone by and everyone left S.T.A.R. Labs. Everyone but Caitlin. After Barry left, Henry followed him and they left together. Cisco had awkwardly walked out of the room with Felicity who was angry with Oliver. She grabbed a hold of his hand and left with him. Cisco went right to his car and drove off to the arcade. Caitlin was alone with nothing but her guilty conscience.

"You idiot. How could you kiss Ralph? Sure, you thought that the fake Barry was the real Barry, but that's where you screwed up. You should've known it wasn't him from the beginning. You disappointed all of your friends. Even your son for goodness sake. You are by far the dumbest human being ever. This can't be fixed and if I'm telling you that, you know it's true." Her conscience ranted in her head. Caitlin sat down and stared at her turned off computer.

"It can be fixed." She mumbled before standing up and running outside. She bolted to her car and drove off.

While Caitlin was driving away, Eobard stood in the distance watching her. He smirked and began following her in secret.

Caitlin pulled into Barry's driveway and knocked on the door. She had a smile on her face. She was ready to fix things between them. She had everything planned on what to say. The door opened and Caitlin took a deep breath. Barry looked at her.

"Oh." He mumbled. Caitlin's smile slightly faded. Barry cleared his throat and waited for her to speak.

"Um hi...I uh-I was wondering if we could talk?" Caitlin asked. Henry looked at Barry and nodded before continuing to work on his puzzle. Barry sighed and closed the door behind him. He looked at Caitlin as they stood on the porch together.

"Look, Barry..." Caitlin mumbled. Barry crossed his arms.

"Caitlin, if you're here to make excuses and then profess your undying love for me then allow me to stop you right there. Even if you thought that it wasn't me, you should've just known. You chose to kiss Ralph instead of questioning the fake me. So save it." He spoke. Caitlin blinked and nodded.

"Y-Yeah, you're right, I'm sorry." She spoke tearing up. Barry looked at her and then away.

"Okay. I'm spending the day with Henry and then I'll drop him off later." He muttered before walking back inside. Caitlin nodded letting a tear fall as Barry closed the door. Henry looked at Barry and smiled as the two started working on the puzzle again.

"I'm sorry that I missed your birthday." Barry said with a slight frown. Henry looked at him shocked.

"You remembered?" He mumbled. Barry looked at him and revealed a slight smile.

"Of course!" He answered. Henry smiled as the two continued to the puzzle.

Caitlin went to her car and set her head down on the steering wheel. The thought of Barry hating her rushed through her veins like lava. She choked on her tears and drove off. She felt like Henry began to hate her too. She made a mistake no matter how much she tried to deny it. She didn't know where to go or what to do. She just continued to cry uncontrollably.

"Sucks doesn't it?" A voice called out from behind her. Caitlin looked in the rear-view mirror of the car and saw Eobard in his yellow suit. She gasped and stopped in the middle of the road.

"What the hell are you doing in my car?!" She shouted while wiping her tears. Eobard had his arms relaxing behind his head and he smirked at her.

"I came to talk." He answered while closing his eyes pretending to rest. Caitlin turned to him with confusion.

"What do you want?!" She asked. Eobard opened his eyes annoyed.

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