Fear Pong and Lap Dances

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     Fear surrounded Caitlin. One moment she was feeling peace, the next she was scared for her life. She got up from her bed and ran out of her room.

     "There you are." The voice said as it got closer to her. Caitlin looked up.

     She sighed in relief when her and Barry met eye contact.

     Barry went right to her and kissed her. Caitlin kissed back and looked up at him. He was towering over her, caressing her cheek.

     "What's wrong?" She asked. Barry sighed and looked away.

     "Oliver, he said something. It just made me upset that's all. I knew seeing you would make me feel better." He explained. Caitlin slightly smiled and held his hand. She then kissed it and put her hand on his cheek.

     "Whatever he said, I'm sure was bullshit." She comforted making Barry chuckle. He then hugged her and let his chin rest on her head.

"I just want to make sure that you know how much you mean to me. I'm so glad that we're here. Together." He softly spoke before kissing her head. Caitlin nodded.

"I know. I love you and I always will." She replied before kissing his cheek and walking away. Barry smiled and followed her.

"I called Barry five times and he still hasn't answered! Seriously where the hell is he?!" Felicity exclaimed in frustration. Oliver sighed and looked away.

"Just start the party. He'll show up." He muttered while crossing his arms. Patty looked at him and squinted her eyes.

"Wh- Okay." Felicity spoke before sending out the text to everyone.

Caitlin and Barry both got the text and looked at each other.

"You go, go have fun!" Caitlin said while pouring herself some wine. Barry sighed.

"What about you?" He questioned not wanting to leave her alone.

"I'll be okay, I gotta clean up this house." Caitlin replied before sipping the wine. Barry nodded and kissed her.

"Call me later? I really wish you'd go, but people will get suspicious...I'll come by afterwards if I'm not passed out from being too drunk." He said before getting his phone. Caitlin nodded and watched him leave.

What if he does what he did the last time? No no, he'd never. Plus why would it matter, it's not like we're dating or anything...but we're in love. Okay I'm just going to trust him. He deserves to have fun, I'm not going to barge in on that with my jealous tendencies. Caitlin thought to herself while drinking red wine and watching Netflix.

Barry pulled up in front of his house and saw a bunch of cars parked all over the place. The music was blasting and people were drinking on his front yard, back yard, and all over inside the house. People were dancing and having tons of fun. Last party before adulthood. Tonight was going to be a special night.

"Barry! Welcome to your house, finally!" Felicity exclaimed while jumping over to him almost falling over. Barry caught her and laughed.

"Already drunk, Fel?" He questioned knowing the answer. Felicity chuckled and took a sip of her beer.

"Ralph beat me in fear pong. You should play!" She shouted over the loud music. Barry smiled feeling intrigued. Fear pong sounded fun to him. Doing a bunch of dares and if you don't complete them you drink? That had 'Party Barry' written all over the place.

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