Cya Never

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"Eobard, let us go." Caitlin demanded. Eobard shook his head.

"Shut up!" He yelled while pacing. Caitlin and Felicity looked at each other. They were both tied to chairs on top of a roof. The felt nothing but fear. Caitlin had no idea what he would do.

Henry ran into S.T.A.R. Labs with Rosie. They stood in the empty cortex looking around.

     Cisco walked in with Oliver. They had put Barry comfortably on a medical bed. Henry looked at them.

     "Where are my parents?" He demanded. Cisco blinked. Scott then ran in with Patty.

     "Guys, we saw the girls!" He exclaimed. Henry looked at him. Rosie furrowed her eyebrows.

     Oliver widened his eyes and ran over. He uncrossed his arms.

     "Where?!" He asked in worry. Cisco walked up with them wanted to know too. Henry and Rosie looked at each other confused.

     "They are on the roof of the CCPD! I went to pick up Patty, and we were passing. That Eobard guy was with them. They were tied up." Scott explained. Oliver began to pace. Cisco sighed and put his hand to his head. Henry widened his eyes.

     "My mom got taken?" He asked while walking over. Cisco turned to him.

     "Yes. We believe so." He answered. Henry stared at him.

     "Where's my dad?" He asked getting frustrated. Oliver sighed.

     "He got his speed back, but he's still unconscious." Cisco answered. Henry widened his eyes.

     "Why doesn't anybody tell me anything? First my mom loses her baby, then she gets taken, then my dad suddenly has his speed again?" He ranted. Rosie went to him and put her hand on his arm in comfort. Henry took a deep breath and looked at her. Cisco and Scott looked at each other with slightly widened eyes. Patty awkwardly looked at Oliver.

     Seconds later, Barry walked in with his hand to his head. Henry looked at him and ran over.

     "Dad!" He exclaimed while hugging him in relief. Barry hugged back with a slight smile.

     "Hey bud! Wait shouldn't you be at school?" He asked. Henry sighed.

     "Wait don't you have your speed back?" He mocked back. Barry raised his eyebrows and remembered what just happened. He then sped around the room.

     "Oh my god!" He exclaimed. Cisco smiled. Oliver sighed in relief.

     "Thank god. Eobard took Felicity and Caitlin!" He shouted. Barry looked at him in disbelief.

     "What?" He asked. Patty sighed and walked to him slowly.

     "He has them tied up on the roof of the CCPD." She explained with a calm voice. Barry was about to speed off but she grabbed his arm.

     "No. We need to plan this out. If you go there, maybe that's what he wants. He might hurt them." She spoke. Barry sighed realizing that she was right.

     "What do we do?" He asked. Cisco sighed. Oliver began to pace in worry. Scott sat down and tried to think.

     "We need to kill him." He muttered. Patty turned to him and squinted her eyes. Barry stopped and looked at him.

     "What?" He asked. Scott sighed and stood up. Oliver stopped pacing.

     "It's the only way to ensure that he won't screw us over again. He's from the future. He can come back whenever he wants!" Scott explained. Cisco furrowed his eyebrows. Barry shook his head.

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