The Realization

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Earth One

The next day was pretty shallow. Caitlin explained that Barry wasn't going to be around to Henry. He obviously didn't handle it well. His suspicions grew and his heart darkened a bit. He didn't trust the situation. Barry didn't seem like himself which scared Henry. Yet, he still has a pit in his stomach. A voice repeating that Barry didn't want to help raise him. It hurt Henry.

Caitlin was no happier. She felt broken. The love of her life claimed that he didn't love her. The only reason she believed him was because of the way he handled it. She had doubts that maybe that was not her Barry, but she was scared to face the truth.

Felicity walked into the bunker and saw Cisco standing with his arms crossed. He was staring at the pipeline.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Felicity asked while walking up to him. Cisco kept staring.

"I'm just thinking." He answered. Felicity nodded and looked at the pipeline. Cisco then snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Felicity.

"I can't believe he left. He just got up and left. He left his son behind. Caitlin. Us. Even The Flash. Team Flash. There is not Team Flash without FLASH!" He ranted. Felicity sighed.

"This isn't like him." She said calmly. Cisco took a deep breath.

"I'm gonna take a walk." He spoke before leaving the room. Felicity wanted to stop him, but she let him go. She understood that he needed to relax.

"Have a good day at school!" Caitlin said. Henry gave a slight smile and got out of the car. Caitlin revealed a small frown.

"Hey," she began before Henry turned to her, "It's going to be okay. It's just going to be rough for a bit." She finished. Henry nodded and waved before walking away. Rosie ran to him concerned.

Caitlin then drove off lost in her thoughts. Her finger was tapping the steering wheel as she drove. She was nervous. The pit in her stomach grew larger. She began to feel nauseous. The feeling of Barry saying that he didn't love her has haunted her. She felt dizzy. His words were on repeat in her head and they wouldn't stop. It was like a broken tape. It keeps replaying the same part over and over again. She pulled over at a gas station and ran to the bathroom.

She threw up immediately, still hearing his words. Her head hurt. Everything was hurting. She flushed the toilet and backed up against the wall. Tears streamed down her face. Her heart felt like it was being squashed like a bug. She couldn't believe the impact Barry had left on her. Ever since high school, her world revolved around him. She wanted to change that. She stared at her reflection in disgust.

"Screw you, Barry Allen." She mumbled before leaving the restroom.

She walked to her car with an angry expression. Her fist was clenched. She no longer felt that pit in her stomach. It was nothing but anger. Her heart didn't feel squashed anymore, it felt powerful. She began driving and glared at the horizon. She felt free. Free of the pain. Free of what Barry took from her. She felt like how she felt before she even met Barry, and she loved that feeling. She pulled into S.T.A.R. Labs and went to the cortex. Ralph was sitting at the computer waiting for her.

"There you are!" He said. Caitlin looked at him.

"A-Are you okay?" Ralph asked. Caitlin didn't reply. She just stared at him. Ralph tilted his head in confusion. Caitlin then gave a slight smile and walked up to him. Ralph was nothing but confused. Caitlin then wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Ralph widened his eyes startled by her actions. Felicity walked in and widened her eyes.

Caitlin kept kissing him and Ralph closed his eyes kissing back. Felicity let her jaw drop.

"What the...." She murmured before walking over and splitting them up.

"What the hell are you doing?!" She demanded to know. Ralph gulped as Caitlin smiled at the ground.

"Caitlin?" Felicity called out. Caitlin looked at her.

"It was an impulse?" She answered before tucking her hair behind her ear. Felicity stared at her in disbelief.

"What is it with people not being themselves?!" She questioned while putting her hands to her head.

"This is me. This is who I am without Barry, and if feels spectacular." Caitlin spoke with confidence. She then patted Ralph's chest.

"See you later." She added with a wink before walking out. Ralph looked like he was about to drool. Felicity hit his arm.

"What is the matter with you?!" She shouted. Ralph blinked smiling.

"I-I...She...Wh-" He stuttered. Felicity pinched his skin making him snap out of it.

"OWE! That hurt!" Ralph exclaimed. Felicity rolled her eyes.

"Good." She mumbled before walking out. Ralph shook his head.

"So...That wasn't a dream? Oh my god, that wasn't a dream! Snow actually just kissed me! Holy balls what is going on?!" He ranted to himself while beginning to pace.

Cisco was in the training room looking at the treadmill. He stared at it with a frown and walked over to it. He remembered the first time Barry tried it out. He loved it and ran for hours until he lost control and flew across the room. He chuckled to himself before touching the handle on it. Immediately he felt himself trapped in an insight.

He saw Barry locked in a cell talking to Eobard, only Cisco didn't recognize him. He just saw Barry pacing impatiently. Eobard let him out of the cell and cuffed him.

"Cisco?" Barry spoke.

"Barry!" Cisco shouted while holding his hand out.

"Cisco!" Oliver exclaimed making Cisco snap out of it. The insight when away. He looked at Oliver and glanced around the room.

"Wh-I saw Barry! He was trapped in a cell. Some weird guy had him in it. I saw him too, but I couldn't recognize him! The Barry that has been acting weird...It's not our Barry!" Cisco said loudly in fear. Oliver widened his eyes as they ran to the cortex.

Felicity looked at them confused and stood up from the desk.

"What is it?" She questioned concerned. Oliver and Cisco looked at each other.

"Barry...The Barry that was here but left...The Barry that broke Caitlin's heart and ditched us...That's not our Barry. It's his doppelgänger." Cisco responded. Felicity crossed her arms still confused.

"Our Barry never came back from Earth Two..." Oliver mumbled while widening his eyes. Felicity let her jaw drop and her arms immediately uncrossed.

To be continued.

A/N: Wow, three parts in one day? You guys are lucky! If there is any confusion, comment questions and I'll answer!

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