Unexpected Chemistry

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The Finale

     "Iris, what are you doing here?" Barry asked while keeping his arm around Caitlin's waist. Caitlin didn't speak she just waited to hear her out.

     "I was hoping we could talk." Iris replied starting to look sincere. Caitlin nodded slowly.

"I'll head home." She said before walking out. Barry wanted her to stay, but she already left the cortex. Iris smiled slightly. Barry stared at her.

"What." He muttered while crossing his arms.

"Hey Henry?" Rosie called out before sitting on the couch. She handed him a juice box after he paused the TV. Henry smiled and took the juice box.

"What's up?" He asked while opening the straw. Rosie smiled.

"Do you know what a crush is?" She asked while tucking her hair behind her ear. Henry took a sip of his juice and then tilted his head.

"Yeah, I heard Timmy has a crush on Layla!" He exclaimed. Rosie chuckled.

"Oh, so you do know what it is!" She said. Henry nodded slightly and started to become suspicious.

"Yes, why?" He asked before setting his juice down on the coffee table. Rosie sighed and looked down at her unopened juice.

"Wait, I think I know what you're trying to say!" Henry spoke with realization. Rosie widened her eyes with a slight smile.

"You like Timmy!" Henry exclaimed while pointing at her. Rosie's smile faded and her eyes went from big to squinting.

"No, I like you!" She yelled in frustration before getting up and walking out of the front door. Henry sat on the couch in shock.

Caitlin was driving home peacefully. Well, she wasn't completely peaceful. Her worry level was high. She wondered what Iris wanted, but it didn't bug her to a point where she would turn around and go back to them. She stayed calm because she trusts Barry more than anything or anyone.

She was driving past Jitters and saw Ralph slumped on a table. She furrowed her eyebrows and pulled in the parking lot without hesitation.

"Ralph?" She called out. Ralph looked at her and waved.

"Hi." He mumbled before slumping back down. Caitlin sighed and sat across from him.

"What's going on?" She asked in concern. Ralph looked at her.

"I'm going to end up alone. All of you guys are happy and ending up together. And then there's me...single as hell." He answered before sipping the last bit of his coffee. Caitlin looked down.

"Ralph, you're not going to end up alone. You have time." She comforted. Ralph laughed and raised his hand for more coffee.

"Another Frosty?" The woman asked. Caitlin looked at the woman and then at Ralph. Ralph nodded and the woman walked back behind the counter.

"She's pretty!" Caitlin whispered with a smile. Ralph looked at the woman and sat up.

"Yeah...she is...Thanks Snow!" He said with a smile. Caitlin nodded and stood up.

"Good luck." She said before walking away. Ralph grabbed her hand. Caitlin turned to him confused. He was looking at her ring.

"No friggen way..." He muttered. Caitlin chuckled as Ralph kept looking at it.

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