Exploded and Struck

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                             Five Year's Later

     "Today was pretty eventful so far. I solved another case just by looking at the tracks from the motorbike. Actually, Patty and I solved it together. I found the information, she checked out the place. Professor Dire was the one who assaulted the woman at Central City Library. I couldn't believe it! It felt super Scooby Doo, but that's besides the point.   
     I'm going to dinner with Patty tonight. We have reservations for two at 7:00 P.M. It's been awhile since we've had some time to ourselves. We've been so caught up with work, so it'll be fun to finally go on a date. I mean it is our 4 year anniversary. I still can't believe I'm detective Allen now. It's so crazy how things have changed. I went from a heartbroken teenager who didn't know what he wanted to do, to forensic scientist Barry Allen working at CCPD. I couldn't have done it without Patty's support. She's always been there for me and encouraged me to become a detective. Look I know the term is Forensic Scientist, but detective sounds so much cooler! Anyways, I should get going. I have to read ready for tonight. I'll check in later.

     Five years. Five years since Caitlin and Barry has broken up. Their lives have changed so much since then. As Barry wrote in his journal, he is dating Patty. It's there four year anniversary today. After Caitlin left, it took Barry a year to be able to give his heart to anyone else. That whole year, was just as bad as he was when Caitlin and him ended their relationship. Patty was always there for him, in which he realized later on. They are actually quite happy, but deep deep deep back in his brain, Barry still has love for Caitlin and always will. He still thinks about her every once in a while, but she was right. They were better off without each other. At least that's what he thought.

     " So, where do I even begin? I haven't written in this thing since 2009. I mean goodness gracious! Anyways, I never gave an update. The last thing I wrote was the fact that I said goodbye to my uncle for good. I didn't even get to write what happened with Barry and I. Wow...Barry...How is he? Anyways, today was the same as all the others, but I'll fill you in since you don't even know what those others are. After I left Central City, I obviously went to Harvard. It was such an amazing school and I'm glad I went. You see, after ending things with Barry, I didn't know what to do with myself so I resulted in school. Now I'm a biochemist at Star Labs. It's a private facility and so much gets done. We've actually been working on a machine my boss likes to call the particle accelerator. He's a clever one, although my friend Cisco came up with the name. We're actually launching it tonight. I guess that's why I'm writing all of this. I'm so excited to do this! The whole town knows about it.
     I guess I should catch you up on my love life too. Oliver...well, him and I did dated for a while. A few months after I left Central City. Oliver moved to Star City and lived with his parents. Then one day something terrible happened. I lost him forever. I'm destined to be alone forever, and I miss him everyday, but like I did with Barry, I will move on. By losing him forever, I mean he got lost at sea with his father. He's been gone for four years now and it took me so long to want to move on. I still fully haven't, but I work all the time so I don't get left with my thoughts. Anyways, Dr. Garrick, my boss is coming in now, so I should go. Check in later!

     Barry and Caitlin have both moved on with their lives. Sure, they miss one another, but they haven't seen each other since the last time they said goodbye. They never bumped into each other which was odd since they live in the same city, but Caitlin is buried in work so she doesn't really have a life. Plus the fact that Oliver was lost at sea and his body hadn't been discovered. Caitlin felt destined to lose everyone she had in her life. That's why she isn't the brightest anymore. She's scared to get close to anyone. Tonight, things will change.

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