A Trip Down Memory Lane

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"Oh hey Ralph...Guys it's the new kid!" Patty called out while allowing him inside. Ralph smiled and entered.

     Ralph moved to town a few weeks ago, hence the fact that Caitlin didn't know who he was.

     "Ralph, hey! Wanna come help me with the decorations?" Felicity called out. Oliver looked at Felicity with furrowed eyebrows and continued carrying in the beers from the back yard.

     "Sure!" Ralph replied before walking with Felicity to the boxes of decorations. Barry was with Patty in the kitchen filling bowls with chips.

"So, where'd you go last night?" Patty asked. Barry looked at her and sighed.

"When Caitlin showed up, we talked and everything, but I don't know if it's going to go anywhere. We want different things now." He replied. He was obviously lying, of course he wants Caitlin. They just want it secret for now. They need some more time to get to a label for their relationship. They both need to be positive that they can trust each other before becoming official.


Caitlin was walking down a lonely road. She's not going back out of town, so there's only one place to go. Her old house. She walked up the cracked sidewalk. The aging grass revealed dead flowers in which Caitlin used to take care of before the incident. She didn't just take care of the flowers, she took care of the whole house. She made sure everything was completely clean because if it wasn't, she was afraid of the consequences. She walked inside after unlocking the door with the spare key.

     Caitlin glanced around staring to get intense memories.

     "Caitlin if you don't fucking hurry up, I will make you." The uncle shouted from the living room. Caitlin, (aged 11) ran in and set down a beer and a bowl of chips on the coffee table. The uncle didn't say anything, he just took a sip of the beer and pushed Caitlin out of the way.

"Move it you worthless piece of trash. I'm trying to watch the television, you know, the one I paid for. Why don't you go get a fucking job?" He muttered before stuffing a chip in his mouth. Caitlin's gulped and started to back away.

"I'm only 11, sir." She responded. The uncle glared at her a forced out a chuckle.

"Go to your room, serpent. I don't want to see your face. You look too much like your mother." He added before looking back at the tv. Caitlin looked down and ran to her room holding back her tears.

Caitlin blinked out of the memory and starting walking up the stairs.

"Come here!" The uncle shouted before grabbing Caitlin's leg and pulling her down the stairs. He pushed her body down to the ground and slammed his hands on her wrists.

"The next time you try to sneak out of this house while I'm trying to sleep, I'll never let you out of my sight." He hollered in her face. Caitlin let a tear fall as she felt blood start to fall down her face. The uncle got off of her and walked up the stairs slamming his door shut as loud as possible. Caitlin rolled to her side and cried into her arm before picking herself up and going to her room.

After that memory made its way through, Caitlin took a deep breath. She knew that this house has eternally scarred her, but she needed to be strong. She's by herself now. Her uncle is in jail. She'll never have to see his face again.

Caitlin then walked into her room and sat on her bed. She closed her eyes while putting her hand to her forehead.

"Silence!" The uncle spoke while putting his hand over Caitlin's screaming mouth.

Caitlin felt a strong force against her skin. It was repeating, it was painful. Tears were streaming down her face. She couldn't cry for help. She couldn't run. She couldn't fight. She was only 8. She didn't know what to do. She just knew that what he was doing was not right and that it hurt terribly.

Caitlin then opened her eyes and stood up.
I can't stay here, she thought, I'll just get a hotel.

She then rushed out of the house and sat on the porch step. The rest of the memories were thrown away, trapped in that house. Caitlin decided to leave them behind. What he did to her was horrifying, but she's still alive. She knew that she deserved to live, so she's going to pick herself up and move on. That's all she can do.

Barry's house was finally decorated for the party. Ralph and Felicity were in the living room setting up the music as Oliver stood in the dining room glaring at them. Barry looked over and walked up to him.

"Dude, Ralph trusts Felicity. He's new, cut him some slack. It's not like you're dating her or anything." He spoke. Oliver looked at Barry and sighed.

     "Dude, don't forget about the two times you cheated on someone. First you cheated on Patty with Caitlin, and then on Caitlin with Iris. Don't come to me with relationship advice." He spoke before walking over to the beer to get a head start. Barry looked down and clenches his jaw.

     "Look, I'm not supposed to tell anybody this...but I just bumped into Caitlin." Ralph muttered to Felicity. Felicity looked at him with widened eyes.

    "What? When?" She questioned.

     "Just a bit ago. I bumped into her when I was coming in!" Ralph replied with a smile. Felicity chuckled.

     "That means Barry totally had sex with her!" She mumbled with a chuckle. Ralph laughed with her.

     "Do you think they are good for each other?" He stopped laughing to ask. Felicity's smile faded slowly and she cleared her throat.

     "Well, they aren't good without each other." She responded while tilting her head. Ralph nodded.

     "Yeah...I just hope, they have a healthy relationship. After everything that Barry told me, I just hope this time is different for them." He ranted. Felicity nodded and put her hand on top of his.

     "Hey, it will be okay. Those two, they are complicated, but they are right for each other. Opposites attract." She comforted with a soft smile. Ralph's expression brightened and he nodded.

     Oliver looked at them from the kitchen window with a smolder planted on his face. He closed his eyes in frustration and walked away.


     Caitlin was still sitting on her porch step. She had her head buried into her hands and she was thinking.

     Moments passed and she finally stood up. She looked at the door to her house and walked in. Finally, she summoned the courage to be in there, she ignored the trauma and decided to move on.

     The memories were piercing through her like knives, but she fought through them and went to her bedroom. She lied down and looked out the window.

     She began to think about Barry and her worries went away. Just thinking about him helped her. As if he's her anchor.

     Caitlin was then sleeping. Her head was buried into her fluffy pillow and she was knocked out. Barry brought her peace. She had a great night, and she can't wait to see where their relationship goes.

     Her sleep was interrupted when the front door opened and her name was shouted.

     Her eyes shot open and she sat up fast.

To be continued.

A/N: I hope you guys are liking this! Comment your thoughts! <3

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