Happy Birthday Henry

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     "What do you want with me?" Henry demanded. His hands were tied behind his back as he sat on a wooden chair. The masked person chuckled and sat on a chair in front of him.

     "You're Allen's kid, and Allen is The Flash." He responded. Henry rolled his eyes.

     "Seriously? That's your answer? Why are all of these metas the same?" He complained. The masked man tilted his head.

     "You're boring me, can I go? I have a puzzle to finish. Plus it's my birthday." Henry added. The man looked around and chuckled.

     "Uh, no." He muttered. Henry sighed and rolled his eyes. Seconds later, the two were interrupted with a whistle. The masked man looked around confused. Henry slightly smiled. The man then fell to the ground unconscious. Caitlin was holding a metal rod in her hands and looked down at him. Felicity looked at Caitlin with widened eyes.

     "Nice hit!" She exclaimed. Caitlin smiled and then dropped the rod before running to Henry.

     "Are you okay?!" She questioned while untying him. Henry nodded.

     "I'm okay, I promise." He answered. Caitlin nodded and held his hand.

     "Let's get you out of here." She said while walking with him.

     "Where's dad?" Henry questioned. Caitlin looked down at him and then thought for a minute.

     "I don't know." She responded before walking away with him.

"Not a good start to your 7th birthday, huh?" Felicity mumbled while walking with them. Caitlin sighed and chuckled. Henry laughed.


"Okay, the meta is locked up and secure. He won't be getting out anytime soon." Cisco spoke while walking into the cortex. Caitlin nodded and looked at Henry.

"C'mon, we're going out. Wherever you want." She exclaimed. Henry looked at her.

"Really?" He asked getting excited. Caitlin nodded with a smile while holding his hand.

"What about dad?" He added. Caitlin looked at him and sighed.

"I don't know...I'll call him, yeah?" She responded before taking out her phone. Henry stopped her and held her hand.

"No, no it's okay. He probably doesn't even know it's my birthday. How about just you and I go?" He spoke. Caitlin raised her eyebrows with a smile. She then nodded and the two walked off.

"I'll have the banana split milkshake with a large fry!" Henry exclaimed. Caitlin smiled.

     "And I'll have the same." She added. Henry chuckled as the waitress nodded.

     "Coming right up." She said before walking away. Caitlin looked at Henry. He looked at her and tilted his head.

     "What?" He questioned. Caitlin blinked and shook her head slightly.

     "No uh- nothing. You just...you look just like-" Caitlin began to answer but Henry cut her off.

     "Dad?" He spoke softly. Caitlin nodded slowly. Henry sighed.

     "He's been acting really weird recently." He admitted. Caitlin slightly widened her eyes.

     "You've noticed that too?" She asked. Henry nodded.

     "Yes, I mean he didn't show up when I got taken, we just got you back and he's no where to be found, and he probably has no idea it's my birthday." He replied with enthusiasm. Caitlin furrowed her eyebrows trying to think.

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