The party

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Caitlin rolled her eyes at the group and put her textbook back into her locker.
"Come to the party tonight!" Iris called out to a group of students that were standing by their lockers. The students took a flyer from Iris and walked away from their lockers.
"That girl is insane! But I'm still going." One of the kids said while dropping his flyer to the ground. The paper flew to Caitlin's feet. She then looked down and picked up the blue flyer.
'Party at Patty's! Come tonight! We've got beer and everyone is invited!' The flyer read. Caitlin bit her lip and tried to think.
"If I go to this, then nobody will talk to me! And also I have studying to do. I should ask for advice from Mr. Jones." She thought to herself. She took he flyer and walked to Mr. Jones room.
"Caitlin, hi!" Mr. Jones greeted. Caitlin smiled and showed Mr. Jones the flyer.
"A party?" He asked. Caitlin nodded.
"I don't know if I should go," she said shyly. Mr. Jones sighed and thought for a minute.
"You should go. You spend so much time studying. Look, I'm not giving this advice as your teacher, I'm giving this to you as your friend." He said. Caitlin smiled.
"Thanks," she said before leaving the room with a smile.

**Two hours after school**

Barry arrived to Patty's house excited. He was carrying a huge case of beer.
"Babe, where do you want me to put this?!" He called out from the front room. Patty then came in and smiled.
"In the kitchen, strong boyfriend!" She chuckled. Barry smiled and carried the case to the kitchen.
"So, when is everyone getting here?" He asked. Patty shrugged.
"I guess when the sun starts to set..." she mumbled. Barry nodded and then stood patiently.
"I wonder if that Caitlin girl is coming," he thought to himself. Patty then grabbed a beer and went to go set up the music. Barry sighed and took a beer.

30 minutes went by, and people started coming into the house. Patty smiled and watched Iris turn on the strobe lights and disco balls. She turned the lights off and turned the music up. Barry chuckled and chugged his beer. After at least fifteen minutes, a lot of people were in the house partying and dancing. Caitlin got out of her car and shyly walked up the walkway. She got really nervous and shy because she had never been to a party like this before. Moments later a guy went up to her and blocked her from walking.
"Hey welcome to the party!" He said with a drunk voice. Caitlin gave a short and awkward smile.
"Hi, Oliver." She replied. Oliver gave a drunk chuckle and opened the door.
"Have fun!" He said before chugging the rest of his bear and smashing the glass on the sidewalk. Caitlin flinched and went inside. She immediately saw people smoking, drinking, sliding down the banister, and dancing wildly to the music. One guy was even swinging from the chandelier. Caitlin crossed her arms and walked to the kitchen where not as many people were. She saw some water in a cooler and grabbed one.
"Thank goodness!" She mumbled to herself. Patty then walked in-stumbling from being drunk- and saw Caitlin drinking her water.
"Hey! I recognize you! You're Caitlin right?" She asked with a low drunk voice. Caitlin nodded and put her water on the counter.
"Cool, I need more beer! I'll get you one!" Patty said before leaving room.
"No thats okay I don't-" before Caitlin could finish, Patty was already gone.
"Drink..." Caitlin mumbled to finish her sentence. She then walked out of the kitchen and saw a bunch of people dancing to the loud music that was playing. Barry saw Caitlin from a distance. Her long flowing hair, her beautiful eyes sparking from across the room. Her tight black dress and her cute sneakers to match. He then stumbled over to her and took a sip of his beer.
"You came?" He asked. Caitlin nodded slightly.
"Yeah," she muttered. Barry chuckled and looked around the room.
"So, are you like my new tutor or something?" He asked.
"Yes, and you look very dehydrated maybe you should have some water," Caitlin responded. Barry took the water and drank some.
"There, I'm all better!" He murmured with a weird hand motion. Caitlin gave a silent chuckle and watched Barry drink more of his drink. Barry then started to go around the room; running in circles around the pool table. Caitlin tilted her head and watched Barry. Barry then became dizzy and almost fell to the ground, when Caitlin gripped his arm and prevented him from falling and embarrassing himself.
"Am I going to have to watch over you all night?" She asked while helping him Stan straight. Barry gave a short smile.
"I mean only if you can keep up!" He challenged. Caitlin rolled her eyes and followed Barry around the house. She didn't want him to keep getting hurt for some reason. Iris was in the distance; watching Barry and Caitlin have their moments. She immediately got angry and felt as though steam flew out of her ears. She was so jealous.
Caitlin kept following Barry, and he was aware of that. He kept doing crazy things to make Caitlin help him.
"Barry, just stop and sit down! You're too intoxicated!" Caitlin ordered while pointing at the couch. Barry sighed and sat down.
"Too boring!" He complained. Caitlin sat down next to him and looked at his cheek.
She saw a deep cut with blood coming out.
"Barry! You're bleeding!" She said before whipping out her first aid kit from her purse. To be cont **sorry if this was a little rushed 🙄**

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