Reunited and Reappearances

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"No. No she's not." Patty muttered before walking over. Barry sat up looking at her. He was confused. Patty sighed and held Caitlin's hand. She held it up to her chest and closed her eyes.

Moments went by and Caitlin sat up catching her breath. Patty opened her eyes and smiled. She kept holding Caitlin's hand until her wound was completely healed and finally let go. Barry gasped and sighed in relief.

"Oh my god, Caitlin!" He shouted before kissing her. Patty watched them and gave a smile. She knew that Barry and Caitlin had so much love for each other. Caitlin almost just died, she was okay with them. Caitlin kissed back and looked up at him. Barry helped her stand.

"Wh-How..." Caitlin mumbled. Patty looked at her hands and then back at Barry and Caitlin.

"It's my power." She answered. The two turned to her.

"It is?" Caitlin asked. Patty nodded.

"I have the power to heal people." She replied. Barry smiled. Garrick then walked in.

"Thank you, Patty. Wait! Henry! Cisco, Oliver, Ralph!" Caitlin began freaking out. Patty went to Caitlin.

"Hey, It's okay. We found them. Cisco brought him to your house, they are all there. Garrick told them to stay there because of what happened with you." She explained. Caitlin sighed in relief as did Barry.

"I have to go see them!" She exclaimed before walking away. Barry widened his eyes slightly and looked at Patty. Patty nodded and motioned for Barry to go with Caitlin. Barry smiled slightly.

"Thank you for everything, Patty." He spoke before kissing her head and walking away. Patty nodded and watched him leave.

"Mommy!" Henry called out while running to Caitlin with his arms open. Caitlin immediately teared up and picked him up. Barry walked in after her. Henry looked at him.

"Daddy?" He called out. Caitlin looked at Henry and then at Barry. Barry looked at Henry with raised eyebrows.

"I didn't..." Caitlin mumbled. Cisco and Oliver awkwardly looked away. Barry looked at them.

"Guys." He muttered. Caitlin turned to

"I'm sorry! We had to!" Cisco exclaimed.

"Yeah, you guys never would have." Oliver added. Caitlin chuckled and Barry picked up Henry.

"That's right bud, I'm your dad." He answered. Henry smiled and hugged him. Caitlin smiled and looked at Garrick who walked in.

"Alright, the meta is locked up." He spoke. Everyone nodded.

Everyone was happy. Everything was right. The truth came out and it had a positive affect on everyone.

"This calls for some fun." Cisco spoke excited. Caitlin looked over giving him a look. Barry chuckled.

"I'm serious! After everything that has happened, I think we should go have fun!" Cisco argued while standing up.

"What about Henry?" Caitlin questioned.

"I'll stay with Henry." Garrick called out. Caitlin furrowed her eyebrows. Cisco looked at him.

"Drinking and having fun is not my expertise." Garrick added. Barry nodded. Henry smiled at Garrick and gave him a high five.

Everyone entered the bar including Barry, Caitlin, Oliver, Cisco, and Ralph.

"So, what were you doing in Central City?" Caitlin asked Ralph while walking up to the bar.

"Well, originally I worked in Star City. Then I got transferred to Central City." Ralph answered. Caitlin nodded and chugged a shot. Barry, Oliver, and Cisco were sitting at a table looking at Ralph and Caitlin.

     "I almost lost her. I mean I did lose her. I cant believe she's here. It makes me want to just go up and kiss her into the night." Barry said. Cisco gave a weird look as did Oliver.

     "Okay, that might've been the weirdest thing you've ever said." Cisco spoke. Oliver nodded in agreement. He knew that Caitlin and Barry were meant for each other and he always has. That's why he doesn't mind if they get together. Same with Patty.

     "Yeah, sorry..." Barry admitted. They laughed together.

     "But you get what I mean right?" Barry added. Cisco nodded.

     "Dude why don't you just go over there and kiss her?" He questioned. Barry raised his eyebrows.

     "Wh-Now?" He asked. Cisco and Oliver both nodded together. Barry then chugged his drink.

     "I'll try." He spoke. Cisco shook his head.

     "Just go over there and kiss her!" He said.

     "Yeah, no doubt allowed." Oliver jumped in. Barry took a deep breath. He then summoned the courage and walked over to her and Ralph.

     "Hey Cait?" Barry called out. Caitlin turned to him.

"Yeah?" She asked. Barry didn't answer. He just walked up to her and kissed her. Caitlin widened her eyes but closed them shortly after. Ralph widened his eyes awkwardly. He looked over at Cisco and Oliver. They shrugged and motioned him to come over.

     Barry then walked away. Caitlin watched him and followed.

     "Barry?" She called out. He ignored her and continued walking. Caitlin tilted her head. Barry made his way to the restroom in the back. Caitlin walked up to the doorway and noticed that Barry had stopped walking. He then turned to her and pulled her in with him. He shut the door and spun towards her.

     "I didn't want to cause more of a scene." He muttered with taunt. Caitlin raised an eyebrow. She remembered the time she said that to him back at graduation. Barry then walked to her and passionately kissed her. Caitlin kissed back. Barry pushes her up against the wall and kept kissing her.

     "I'm so happy you're alive." He said in between kisses. Caitlin smiled into each one.

     "Me too." She answered.

     "I missed you." Barry admitted. Caitlin looked up at him.

     "I missed you too, Barr." She responded with a slight smile. She then caressed his cheek keeping the same expression on her face. Barry smiled and kissed her again. He started undressing Caitlin not caring about their location. Caitlin helped him and then ripped off his shirt. I think you can gather what they did next.

     Patty walked into Caitlin's house and saw Jay and Henry playing with a puzzle.

     "Hi Henry! Garrick, we have a problem." She spoke. Henry smiled and continued completing the puzzle. Jay furrowed his eyebrows and walked to her.

     "We have an unexpected guest." Patty spoke while looking at the front door way. Jay crosses his arms and in came a familiar face.

     "Miss West, what brings you here?" He called out. Iris smirked and entered the house.

     "You." She mumbled. Garrick tilted his head perplexed. Iris then went to him and punched him in the face. Jay fell to the ground and looked at her. Patty glared at Iris. Iris then punched Jay again, making him fall unconscious.

     "Jesus, you didn't have to be so harsh." Patty murmured. Iris forced a laugh.

     "Yes I did, now let's go." She demanded. Patty sighed and crossed her arms.

     "No, you take him. I'll meet you there, I have to take care of Henry." She explained. Iris nodded and got Jay out of there.

To be continued

A/N: this part was all over the place, but whatever. How do you feel about the ending of this part? Excited? Sad? Angry? Let me know!

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