The Truth Revealed

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"Caitlin, a word?" Barry muttered before walking out of the cortex. Henry looked up at Caitlin. Caitlin then bent down to get to face level with Henry.

"Mommy has to go for a minute, how about you play your favorite game?" She insisted while turning on her computer. Henry smiled and began playing. Caitlin smiled and kissed his head before walking out into the hallway. She looked around for Barry and felt someone grab her arm. She turned around and looked up.

"Did you just not think to tell me?" Barry questioned. Caitlin sighed and looked away.

"I was going to. That's why I wanted to go out to dinner." She answered. Barry put his hands to his hips.

     "Okay but, five years? In five years you couldn't have contacted me?" He asked getting angry. Caitlin put her hand to her head.

     "I-" She muttered. Barry rolled his eyes.

     "Great, okay." He murmured before walking away.

     "I didn't want to interfere." Caitlin finally spoke. Barry stopped walking and slowly turned to her.

     "Interfere what, Caitlin? What could've possibly stopped you from telling me that I have a son?" He hollered. Caitlin sighed and tucked her hair behind her ear.

     "Patty." She answered. Barry squinted his eyes.

     "Excuse me?" He questioned. Caitlin was about to explain but Henry walked in.

     "Mommy?" He interrupted. Caitlin looked over as Henry ran to her.

     "What's wrong, Henry?" She asked while picking him up. Henry smiled.

     "I have that play date with Rosie!" He exclaimed. Caitlin widened her eyes slightly.

     "Yes, right okay! Let's go!" She said while setting Henry down. Henry then smiled and ran down the hall. Caitlin grabbed her purse and quickly changed into sneakers.

     "Okay, I really have to run. He likes being on time or he'll get mad." She spoke before walking away. Barry watched her and crossed his arms.

     "C-Can I come with you?" He asked calmly. Caitlin stopped and turned to him.

     "You sure?" She questioned while tilting her head. Barry nodded still in shock while walking with her.

     Patty was standing in the distance watching Caitlin and Barry walk away with Henry. She closed her eyes slightly hurt and sat down.

      Caitlin was holding Henry's hand while walking him to the park. Barry was awkwardly walking with. He was still angry, but since there is a five year old right next to him, he decided to save the argument with Caitlin for later. Henry kept glancing at Barry and back at Caitlin. Caitlin was biting her lip. She still couldn't believe that all of this was happening in the span of one day.

      Yesterday, it was pretty normal for her. She helped Garrick close down S.T.A.R Labs a few hours after the explosion. Cisco helped as well. This past week was so hectic for everyone. Barry spent the majority of it hospitalized but then suddenly out of nowhere he has super speed and a son. Caitlin couldn't believe that he found out.

     'Patty's going to kill me.' She thought to herself while walking through the gates of the park. Rosie was climbing the monkey bars when she say Henry.

     "Henry!" She called out excited. Henry smiled excited and ran over. Rosie and Henry then went to the slide joyfully whilst joking around. Caitlin chuckled and Barry let out a slight smile. He then cleared his throat and Caitlin looked at him. Caitlin nodded and began walking.

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