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     Barry walked up and stood behind Caitlin with a smolder. Iris looked at him. Patty was still looking at Caitlin.

     "What the hell are you talking about?" Caitlin muttered angrily.

      "I know you guys don't trust us, but please...believe me on this. We have been tracking Garrick's every move and we followed him the whole way to the school. By the time we pulled in the parking lot, we saw him take Henry with him and he drove off. I ran out as fast as I could after the car, but I wasn't fast enough." Patty explained. Iris stood with her arms crossed. Caitlin backed up not knowing what to say. She bumped into Barry and moved over. Barry looked at her.

     "Maybe Garrick is driving him home right now, or taking him for ice cream." Caitlin spoke nervously. Barry nodded. Felicity set down her glass.

     "I'll track them." She insisted before going to her purse and getting her keys.

     "I'll speed you to S.T.A.R. Labs." Barry muttered before speeding off with her. Caitlin sat down unable to speak. Oliver went to her.

     "Hey, it's okay. Come here. We'll find him." He comforted while hugging her. Caitlin hugged back beginning to cry.

     Barry sped back in and looked at Oliver. Oliver motioned him to come over and faced Caitlin to Barry. Barry held his arms out and wrapped them around her. Caitlin cried into his chest hugging back.

      "Patty?" Mr. Jones spoke before walking in the room from the kitchen. Patty looked over at him.

     "Scott?" She called out. Mr. Jones smiled and the two walked up to each other.

     "Oh my god!" Patty exclaimed before hugging him. Scott hugged back with a smile.

     "You're here!" He spoke. Patty nodded and then remembered what was going on.

     "Yes, but for bad reasons." She answered before taking him to another room to explain. Barry kissed Caitlin's head.

     "We will find him. Together." He comforted. Caitlin nodded. Barry was trying to hide his tears, but couldn't help but let them get shiny.

     Seconds later, Oliver's phone rang. He picked it up without even looking at the name.

     "Fel." He muttered while putting her on speaker.

     "Him and Jay are together. They are at his house." Felicity exclaimed. Oliver nodded and hung up.

     Barry and Caitlin looked at each other. Barry then sped off with her. They walked up to Jay's house and knocked on the door loudly. Nobody answered so Barry broke the door in. Caitlin ran in and all of the lights were off. She turned on the lamp and saw Jay and Henry's phones on the coffee table. She paced to them with widened eyes. Barry walked behind her and looked at them.

     "Fuck." He muttered before punching the wall. Caitlin picked up Henry's phone and put it in her pocket. She knew that Garrick was bad. She knew it now. She then took his phone off the coffee table and put it in her other pocket. She wanted to smash it into pieces, but she figured she'd much rather just search through it to see what else he's hiding. Barry put his hand to his head and looked at Caitlin who was surprisingly calm. She was at least trying to be.

     "Barry, I don't know how to find him. How are we supposed to track him?" She asked beginning to pace. Barry looked at her.

     "Hey, Cait stop." He tried to say but she kept

     "No, Barry he's all I have! He's the one thing in my life that makes sense. He's my son! I can't just stop and then go home and sleep or whatever the fuck everyone wants me to do. Jay Garrick is a monster, and I will make sure he is gone for good." Caitlin shouted before walking out. Barry widened his eyes slightly and followed her out.

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