Fandom: Warriors
Gender: Tom
Clan: None, he's a loner
Age: Around 10 moons
Pelt colour/style: Shade's fur is a mixture of grays ranging from a pale mist to almost pure black. The colors mix and mingle in a hypnotic pattern of spots. His fur is long and thick.
Eyes: He has green eyes
Body type: He is a large tom, long legged and well-built. His body is what you would call a jack-of-all-trades. His legs are long enough and strong enough to give him decent speed. His upper body and shoulders are strong enough to deliver some solid attacks of need be.
Personality: Being a loner he is used to being on his own and has a general attitude of "You stay out of my way, I stay out of yours." He isn't necessarily hostile but he's not the type to be all cozy and friendly with just any random cat. He'll often stay away from the Clan cats but he occasionally wanders to the borders. He has always been a little curious about them. Despite that curiosity, he enjoys the freedom of not being restricted by the Clan's rules and boundaries and not being tied down to a two-leg/no-fur like kittypets. He has a slight superiority complex and looks down on kittypets. He considers them to be beneath clan cats and loners. He is argumentative in that, he would constantly bicker with his father over small trivial things.
Family: Featherpelt (mom and former clan cat), Stone (dad), Mist (brother), Barb (brother)
Strengths: Fighting, hunting, caring for himself, staying calm and collected, keeping his composure in the face of danger
Weaknesses: Refuses to accept help, stubborn, superiority complex, argumentative, he can't swim
Likes: Travelling, windy days, rabbit, vole, hunting (he finds it peaceful)
Dislikes: Two-legs, loud and overly arrogant cats, foxes, storms, floods (that will be explained in the backstory)
Fears: foods (I'm assuming you mean floods...XD)
Backstory: Shade was borne into a family of loners and he liked it that way. His mum was a former clanmate, so she taught them well in the ways of caring for themselves. When he was about 5 moons old a serious rainstorm hit his area and it lasted for several days. During this storm, the small creek his family lived by began to overflow and eventually it became too dangerous for his family to live near. His mum and dad woke him and his brothers one morning and told them it was time to leave. Shade, of course, argued with his father about it. While they argued the creek, which by now was practically a river, swelled and crashed over the banks in a small flash flood. His youngest brother, Barb, got swept up by the water. Shade and Mist went nuts, they were too terrified to move. Their father jumped in and tried to save Barb, but the current was too strong. Both cats were swept away and and Shade never got over that. He blamed himself for their deaths and because of this he grew distant from his remaining family. When he was about 9 moons old he struck out on his own. The story starts with him leaving and flashing back to the flood.
Specific Quote: (he's talking to a young kit he meets during his travels) "Count the blessings Starclan gives you. You never know when they might be taken away."
Extra info: Because his mum was a clan cat he was raised to believe in Starclan.
This cat is seriously amazing. I love nearly everything about him. For starters, he's a loner who prefers to be away from the clans and only has a slight curiosity about them. Loners I see normally join the clans immediately after meeting them and I am so glad to see a scenario differentiate from this.
His fears, likes, and dislikes, are reasonable and typical for a loner. His whole personality is great, especially the part where his stubbornness and everything comes into play with the relationship with his father.
During the storm, Stone was the one trying to reason with Shade and Stone was the one trying to save Barb. In any other fanfic, the kit would be the one reasoning with the adult cat and saving his littermates, and I am so happy you didn't do this whatsoever.
His whole story plays out well and I absolutely positively love it.
This kitten is 10 moons and heading out on his own. Does he ever come across challenges? He's the age of an apprentice, so I would expect quite a few mishaps when running away.
The last thing is the fact that he's half clan. Does he have any interest in his family from the clans? Or is that just part of the curiosity?
Also, this is a very overused idea so definitely be careful when putting it in.9/10.
Again, amazing Warriors Cats OC besides the few minor things I found here and there.
And I will see YOU in the next review!!!
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RandomOnly open this up if you're willing to read some poorly done rants written by an awkward and antisocial teenage girl addicted to procrastination and has a trash bin filter. And if you're just as sick of Fanfiction bull crap as I am. Or y'know. If yo...