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This is ThatCrazedCourier 's OC.

Fandom: Original. The present, but technology is replaced with elemental magic.

Name: Tom Stone

Alias: Tremor, due to his robes, also due to the fact that his presence strikes a violent tremor in a foe's heart.

Age: 35

Occupation: A traveling Geomantic scholar, always eager to improve the skills of the magic branch he's trying to master.

Sexuality: Questioning

Sex: Male

Apparel: His hooded robes, the Tremor Garb, is an exquisite reddish-brown and light bronze set of apparel, enwoven with small dark red and hazel rocks, stylizing it and simultaneously giving it more power. Under that he wears a simple silk tunic and cream coloured pants, finishing it with obsidian coloured boots.

Appearance: A weary man with three scars stretching over the left half of his face.

Hair color: Dark grey.

Eye color: Green, like dewy grass in Spring.

Weapons: He has quite a few, even if they aren't obvious:

Tremor Garb - His very namesake, these robes allow him the physical strength to stomp the earth so hard, the resulting impact sends nearby enemies flying.

Spiraled Stone - It has a simple appearance: a long stone rod with an egg shaped stone atop it with a spiral design. However, the stone from which it was created had close contact with a ley line, and can twist the very earth itself.

Earthshaper's Lexicon - An ancient tome carved from rock, the pages are filled with geomancey spells, many with Tremor's own little additions to amplify their strength, his favorite spell being conjuring up a gargantuan boulder to send rolling after his enemies.

Keepsakes/items always carried: The Earthshaper's Lexicon. Tremor pores over it in his spare time, often adding new pages to write experimental spells to see just how far he can push himself.

Skin tone: Black, like heavily watered earth.

Status: Alive

Birthday: 15th of the Month of Tears, 23rd year of the Dracolich

Birthplace: A small, unassuming village.

Affiliation(s): He bears little contact with civilisation, due to later reasons listed below.

Personality: He's tough, brash, and close minded, much like his element of choice. As such he's often seen as either standoffish or rude, but that is because he wishes to focus on the safety of others and his craft, both of which require isolation.

Powers: He has mass control over whatever soil and rock is nearby, due to being a geomancer, an Earth Wizard. His geomantic powers are many and too long to list. He is most fond of conjuring stone walls and platforms to defend himself and transport himself, respectively. He also hurls everything from pebbles and rocks to giant boulders the size of his own head.

Family: A moderately sized family specializing in no particular branch of magic, but just as gifted for magic itself, if that makes any sense.

Status: Alive

Siblings: Tremor has many, from his Aquamantic sister Alla, to his Shademantic trans brother Samuel.

Backstory: Tremor had a humble upbringing, his parents doing their best to raise their children to be good at whatever they wish. As he took a shine to his mother, Welda, a Natumancer, he became interested in plants (and later the earth.).

As he went to school, he applied to Archimedes' Academy for Ro, and was accepted due to his intense desire to learn and master Geomancey. There he was given the standard Earthshaper's Lexicon, a tome containing everything from the most basic of eartbending spells, to even ones the great Divine Merlin wouldn't dare use. He also received a stone rod, which he eventually modified into the Spiraling Stone staff.

After he turned 24, he decided he had learned all he could from the Academy. He went out on his own, determined to make himself someone worth remembering. Tremor earned his nickname(and his wish) six years later in the famous failed Eros Heist of O-46, where he crushed several robbers via collapsing the room the thieves had just entered, being told there were immeasurable riches.

The resulting tremors from the collapse was and could be felt from the next city over.

After this occurred, he decided he posed too great a threat for the people to handle. Tom became a traveling scholar and hermit, wandering the ancient cities and wilds in order to seek answers: those ranging from how to master Geomancey to how not to go drunk on his formidable might.

Religious beliefs: He believes in the Mantic Divines, a line of gods named after the elements. He places more belief in Ro, god of the earth, his patron god.

Quote: "We're all descendants from Merlin, boy. If you're smart and hardworking, you can move mountains and craft storms."

Strengths: He is scarily adept at bending the earth to his will, summoning walls of solid rock to defend himself, and then crushing his enemies by smashing them with said walls. He is most comfortable at a distance, his fighting style centered around keeping his enemies away and picking them off one by one.

Weaknesses: Anything close range. His fighting with his staff is rusty, and his hand to hand is even poorer. He can eventually create deep gouges in the earth to keep his foes away, and will later grieve over ruining the environment due to his parents being both botanists and gardeners.

Quirks: He is oddly fond of parrots and unusual birds. He also detests cats, due to being scarred by a SaberFrost, a winter variant to the far more common Sabertooth.

Hobbies: He enjoys studying history when he takes brief breaks from Geomancey. He also takes much delight in traveling, recalling his childhood by seeing flora and fauna.

His powers seem a tad much, but I can tell you tried balancing it out with both physical weakness and mental (by that I mean the guilt he has).
You definitely made an original character. You made him black, which most protagonists aren't. His brother is trans, and his sexuality is a mystery.
This right here is a well represented character.

I love his quirks, and you made this fantasy world extra detailed by making up religions, dates, places, et cetera.

The back story is top notch, the family and overall personality was well done, and there were no cliche or overused ideas that I could find.


Honestly, I expected nothing less. The characters you send in are always great and I seriously don't understand why you even need them reviewed.

So vote!
And I will see YOU in the next review!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2018 ⏰

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