Chapter One

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It wasn't everyday you get a job that allows you to work with your brother, I mean Derek and I are really close. So when i got the job offering at Seattle Grace, there was really no reason to not accept.

I made my way down to the Chief of Surgery's office, I was kind of nervous though. I knocked on the door, "Come in." I hear a man say. I make my way in and a man walks up to me.

"You must be Dr. Shepherd, its a pleasure to meet you, I'm Richard Webber, the Chief of Surgery." Dr. Webber greets

"The pleasure is all mine." I smile as I shake his hand

"Okay, well you will work for 48 hours, starting now. You will be assigned some interns and residents to mentor, and I understand you will be switching around specialties." Dr. Webber informs me

"Yes, I am specialized in all fields of surgery and want to have to ability to switch things around as I please." I reply

"Why yes of course. I will show you to the attendings lounge and where to get your white coat." He says as he leads me out of the room.

I am lead to a room, that was completely empty. "Well, it looks like all the other attendings are already doing rounds." He smiles.

He hands me a white coat that has the hospital name along with my name, embroidered on it.

"Okay, today your residents are Meredith Grey, George O'Malley, Cristina Yang, and Isobel Stevens. they should be over there." Dr. Webber says as he points to a group of residents

"Which specialty are you on today?" He questions

"I was informed it would be neuro." I reply. He nods and starts to leave

"Good luck." he says before leaving

I make my way to the group of residents, I see a small woman barking out orders and names.

"Who are you?" she asks me

"Dr. Shepherd, I'm here for my residents." i reply

"Dr. Shepherd,  as in Derek Shepherd? You're Mariah Shepherd?" she asks
"Derek is my brother. Yes, I am Mariah Shepherd, and you are?" I reply

"Miranda, Miranda Bailey." She says as she shakes my hand

"Okay, i need Meredith Grey, Cristina Yang, Isobel Stevens and George O'Malley. You're on my service today." I announce

Three women and a man stepped forward.

I start walking towards the nurses station and i pick up a chart.

I make my way to the patients room, it's quiet until one of the women speaks up.

"You're the Mariah Shepherd, as in 4 time Harper Avery winner, Mariah Shepherd?" the Asian woman asks

I nod and she walks in front of me, "I'm Cristina, Cristina Yang. It's a honor to meet you." She smiles

"Thank you." I smile back
"You're Meredith Grey, Ellis Grey's daughter?" I ask the other woman

"Yes, yes I am." She replies

We walk into the room. "What do we got?" I ask a male nurse

"Katie Bryce, 15 year-old, new onset seizures, intermittent for the past week. lV lost en route, started grand mal seizing as we descended." He informs me

"All right, get her on her side." I order
" Izzie, push 10 milligrams Diazepam lM." I say

"The white lead is on the right. Righty, whitey, smoke over fire. A large-bore lV. Don't let the blood hemolyze. Let's go!" I exclaim

"A wet fish on dry land?" A man asks

"Absolutely, Dr.?" I question

"Burke. Dr. Burke, head of Cardio." He answers

"Let's shotgun her." Dr. Burke orders
"That means every test in the book: CT, CBC, chem-7, tox screen." I explain

"Cristina, you're on labs. George, patient workups. Meredith get Katie for a CT. She's your problem now." I tell them

"Wait what about me?" Dr. Stevens asks

"Oh honey, you get to do rectal exams." I smirk

I walk out with Dr. Burke, off to go get some coffee.

"I never got your name." Dr. Burke says
"Dr. Shepherd." I say for the millionth time today

"And yes before you ask, yes I am Derek Shepherd's sister. And yes I am Mariah Shepherd." I sigh

"Oh, sorry for asking." He shrugs

"It's okay, I'm sorry." I smile

Derek's POV

"Damn, i wish i had the new attending, she's hot, you really got lucky George." I hear

New attending? There's no new attending.

"Shut up she's coming." Somebody whispers

I walk over to them and join their conversation.

"Who's hot?" I question

"The new attending, I forgot her name though." A resident replies

I look over to see who they are talking about, and its no other than my sister.

"Her name is Dr. Shepherd, she's my sister, now stop gawking and get back to work." I snap

I walk over to Mariah, she sees me and smiles.

Mariah's POV

"Derek! There you are!" I exclaim while I hug my brother

"Its good to see you Mariah, when did you get here?" he asks

"Last night." I reply

"So how are things back home?" He questions casually

"I wouldn't know, i haven't been there since i was 16." I mutter while looking at the floor

"I left as soon as you did," I say quietly "Mom kept giving me a hard time, I just had to leave Derek, things happened, I couldn't stay there." I continue

"Mariah, its okay, I understand. You don't need to explain." He says, cutting me off.

"Sorry, I've got to go. I have patients to get to." I mumble as my pager goes off

911. Must be Katie Bryce.

"Come see me after work, so we can catch up." He says
"I can't, 48 hour shift." I reply trying to get out of talking to him.

I walk away as fast as I can, and then make my way to Katie's room.


it's shitty and short, but i hope you guys like it and continue to read :) - °A°

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