Chapter Twenty-Five

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"So is it a coincidence that the first day I start working for the head of trauma, we get no traumas?" I ask Richard

"Ever since our ratings went down, all major traumas get redirected to Seattle Presbyterian or somewhere else." Richard explains
"But the good thing is there is black ice, so there is bound to be a trauma sooner or later." He says

"I hope you're right. I have nothing to do." I sigh
"Why don't you go look around the E.R, there is probably something interesting there?" Richard suggests
"A majority of the people are even considered an emergency. Yesterday I was there, all I saw was a junkie and a bunch of kids with the flu or a cold." I tell him
"Well, it'll have to safice for now. But you get the first trauma that comes through the door." He mumbles

"Fine." I huff and walk off to the E.R.

"Mrs. Ramos, I can assure you your daughter is fine. I am certain she has the flu, I'll prescribe you some antivirals, but that's all I can do." I explain

"No Doctor, something is wrong with her!" Mrs. Ramos insists
"I'll send another doctor your way and he'll run some tests." I say
"Thank you." She mutters

I page Alex and he is here within five minutes. "Yeah?" He asks
"Go into the first curtain on the left. Run some blood work on the little girl there. She has the flu and her mom is convinced it's something else. I told her you'd run some tests just to shut her up, good luck." I stammer and walk off

I go to the nurses station and go through the assortment of charts. I find one that sounds relatively interesting and decide to go see the patient. The patient is a man with a complaint of anal discomfort and stomach pain. I open his curtain, "Hello I'm Doctor Shepherd, I'll be examining you today." I mutter

"So, when did this start?" I inquire
"About a week or two ago, I don't know how it happened." He shrugs

"Sir, do you happen to be exposed with animals?" I ask
"Yes, I rescued this dog from outside." The man says

"Did you ever let this dog come into contact with you? Or were you ever in contact with the animal's feces?" I question
"Well yes,I have to pick up his shit from my backyard everyday." He gruffs

"Interesting." I tut
"I think I may have a diagnosis." I announce
"What is it?" The man asks anxiously

"Sir, I think you may have intestinal worms." I inform him
"Worms?!" He remarks
"Yes, but do be sure I need to run a test. I'll have a nurse in here within the next fifteen minutes to test you." I tell him
The man just silently nods, still in shock over there being parasites in his body.

I walk out and fill out some paper work on the counter, I feel eyes on me and I look up to see Mark standing infront of me. "Were you just going to plan on staring at me the entire time or were you going to actually talk to me like a normal human being?" I question

"Someone is feisty today." Mark chuckles
"Go out with me." He says
"Excuse me?" I inquire

"Go on a date with me." Mark smiles slightly
"Are you asking or telling me?" I laugh
"I'm asking." He tells me

"Well either way, sorry it's a no." I shrug, looking back at my paperwork.
"Wow. That's harsh." Mark remarks
"May I ask why?" He questions

"Its not you or anything, it's just Derek. He specifically told me to stay away from you, he says your a bad influence and not a good guy. You slept with his wife, I mean you could at least stay away from his sister." I explain

"Why do you care what he thinks? Derek isn't the one that is going to date me, you are. Plus Addison was a mistake I wish I could take back." Mark says

"Come on. One date and if you don't like it, then I won't bring it up ever again." He begs
"Fine. One date." I sigh

"Cool. Joe's at 9?" Mark inquires
"Cool." I shrug

Mark smiles and walks off, "Why is that idiot smiling?" Derek asks
I turn around and face Derek, "Oh. I don't know." I lie
"Are you guys a thing?" He questions
"Would that be a problem?"  I inquire

"I already told you, Mariah. He's not a good guy." Derek frowns
"So yes, it would be a problem." He says
"Well good thing we're not." I shrug

"Mariah! We've got a trauma in route!" Dr. Webber announces
"I've got to go." I mumble and run off to grab a trauma gown.

I love you guys so much! I am getting so much love and support and I really appreciate it. I know I haven't posted in like 2 weeks but my phone is broken and I have to type from my big ass IPad and it annoying as fuck.. Any ways I'm going to post Friday for sure and I hope you like this chapter! Don't forget to comment & vote !


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