Chapter Four

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Today was the day i actually got more than six hours of sleep. I had the day off and decided to just stay in and watch Netflix from my hotel room. I really wasn't in the mood for going out.

I went to my Netflix account and started browsing through everything. The thing I finally settled on was the Untold Stories of the E.R.

Funny how even when I'm not at work I still watch about doctors.

I go to my "kitchen" and pour myself some cereal, i sit on one of the chairs and put on a episode.


After 3 episodes, i came to the conclusion that the show was full of shit. Hell, the "doctors" didn't even wear their stethoscopes right.

I sigh, i decide to go work out at the hotel gym. I change into some yoga pants that really highlight my ass, and a black tank top.

I make sure i have my headphones and hotel key and leave for the gym. I first make a stop at the little hotel shop that they had there. I purchased a water bottle, and finally went to the gym.

I go to a treadmill and pull out my phone. I put on some Eminem, and put the headphones in my ears. I set the settings on the treadmill and begin to exercise.

I go for about 2 miles until i feel someone staring at me. At first i ignore it, but the eyes never leave me. I turn off the treadmill, unplug my headphones and walk up to address the person. It turns out to be some guy, about the same age as me.

"Why are you staring at me?" i snap at him

"Me? I'm not staring, baby." he smirks

"Don't call me that." i scoff "Okay, whatever you want, baby." he says knowing he's getting under my skin.

I grit my teeth and make my way back to the treadmill. "Going back to give me a show, are ya?" he asks winking "So you admit, you were looking at me!" i exclaim

"Of course i was looking at you, you're hot."

he says.

I roll my eyes and start stretching.

"Damn, i think you might just give me a boner, right here." he mumbles

"Shut the hell up." i hiss "I like'em fiesty." he tells me. I am about to tell him something else when my phone goes off. I get a text from Derek.

Derek- Where the hell are you? We've been paging you!

Me- I'm at the gym at my hotel, my pager is in my room. Why what's up?

Derek- Its Dead Baby Bike Race Day, the trauma ward is filling up, we need you.

Me- I don't know what that is, but I'm on my way.

"Where ya going sexy?" the man smirks

"I am a surgeon, i have work. Wait, why am i explaining to you?" i say as i run to the elevator.

The hospital is not that far from my hotel, so i just run there. I get there in ten minutes flat. I run to the trauma ward and go find Derek. I found him with Alex. "What's up? What do you need me to do?" i question, notice Alex looking me up and down and smirking.

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