Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"Dr. Shepherd." George greets, entering my room
"Hey, George. What's up?" I question, sitting up.
"Dr. Chavez will be with you in a little bit." He tells me
"Dr. Chavez? Why is Dr. Chavez going to be here?" I ask
"To check you out." George shrugs

I shoot George a look at he goes red, "N-not like that. Just to see how you're doing and everything." He stammers
"Easy, George. I'm just fucking with you." I chuckle
George sits on the side of my bed, "How are you feeling?" George inquires
"I'm okay. The nurses gave me morphine a little while ago, it's starting to kick in." I say

"Oh, makes sense." He tuts
"O'Malley, stop flirting with my patients and go take this up to the lab." Kevin demands, walking into the room and handing George samples.
"I wasn't-"
"I didn't ask, now go on." He tells him

George gets off the bed and rushes out of my room. "Hey, beautiful." Kevin smiles
"You know my name, use it." I say, rolling my eyes.
"Someone's in a bad mood." He frowns, walking toward me.
"I'm not in a bad mood, just don't want to be hit on right now." I mutter

"What are you doing here anyways? You're a neurosurgeon." I inquire
"I am also an orthopedic surgeon. You're not the only one who can do multi-specialties." Kevin smirks
"You're the only orthopedic here?" I ask
"Unfortunately for you, yes." He tuts

"Fine,  just get this over with." I tell him
"Someone's a little pushy." Kevin remarks
"Someone's hasn't been able to get out of her bed for twelve hours."I mumble
"Can you lift up your ankle?" He questions
"No. Unless you want me to be in fucking pain. Defeats the whole purpose of morphine." I reply

Kevin laughs and examines my ankle, "Has anyone taken you up for an x-ray?" He inquires
"Apparently I'm of less importance, so no. You, George, Mark and my brother are the only ones who've came by." I tell him

"You are not of less importance," Kevin frowns "I guess I'll take you myself."
He preps me for transport and wheels me to radiology.

"So your ankle is fractured in two places. Also, you were so close to doing the same to your knee. You got lucky." Kevin informs me
"I don't feel lucky." I frown
"Hey, you survived a bombing. Things could've been worse." He says
"How long before I'm clear to work?" I inquire
"4-8 weeks. Your leg is pretty messed up." Kevin tells me

"4-8 weeks?! You've got to be fucking kidding me? You're joking right? Please tell me you're fucking joking." I stammer
"I'm afraid not. But it gives me time to think of new ways to ask you out." He smirks

"Kevin, if I have said it once I have said it a thousand times.I have a boyfriend!" I remark
"Some boyfriend. Can't even bother to be by his girlfriend's side in her time of need. I could treat you so much better." Kevin says
"You don't know anything, now thank you for helping me out but respectively, get the fuck out." I snap

"I still need to put on your cast." He mumbles
"Send someone else. Obviously you can't contain a professional environment." I tell him
Kevin looks at me in disbelief before leaving my room.

Soon, Izzie comes inside with a cast. "You're alive?!" She asks smiling, she rushes over and hugs me.
"Um, yeah. You're a little happy." I comment
"I thought you were dead, I didn't see you. Only Mer' and Callie." Izzie tells me
"Callie? You've seen her? Is she alive?" I inquire
"Derek told me he'd get me an update but never did." I huff

"Callie is fine. Only a concussion as far as I know." She replies, beginning to apply my cast.
"Thank god." I mutter under my breath
"I don't know how you're still sane. If I were in the same situation, I would be freaking out like crazy." Izzie laughs

I give her a look, "Oh, sorry." She mumbles
"I can manage. The drugs don't hurt either." I joke
Izzie laughs and continues working on me, "So what's up between you and Dr. Chavez?" Izzie smirks
"Kevin and I? Absolutely nothing. Just him continuously flirting all the time." I reply, rolling my eyes.
"You should give him a chance." She shrugs
"How about you? You have a man?" I ask
"No, not in particular." Izzie shrugs

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