Chapter Fifteen

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A/ N: this is a filler chapter, i will update again on the weekend :) i know its really short

It's been a while since the whole Addison crashing thing, after that happened i started to talk to her more.

She wasn't the same, but who would be after that? We're not super close but i make it a point to not be a bitch to her.

Today I have a collaborative surgery with Derek on a trauma patient that fell off a mountain at a nature trail or something.

"What do we got?" I ask Derek, pulling in gloves.

"Unidentified male, internal bleeding in the abdominal region, possible neurological complications. Head lac, and many cuts and bruises along the lower extremities."

He informs me

Meredith is back on my service after i requested her back, "Mer' run a head CT." I order

"He needs a O.R to repair the internal bleeding." Mark frowns

"And if he has a brain bleed, it can kill him before we can operate." I scoff

"She's right, Meredith do the CT." Derek insists

Mark rolls his eyes at me and Meredith takes him to get a CT.


It turns out he has a brain bleed, Derek and I rush him to the O.R.

It's not major, but its progressively getting worse.

"What about me?" Mark asks

"I'll page you if i need you, but for the most part he's good on plastics." I say, and head to the O.R to join Derek.

Derek has already started on the brain bleed, but i need to work on the abdominal bleeding.

"Scalpel." I demand, and the scrub nurse hands it to me

"What the hell are you doing?" Derek questions

"I need to relieve some of the pressure, if not he can die." I reply

"You know the body probably won't be able to handle be operated on two separate areas at the same time." He tuts

"Of course i know that, but i need to suction out some blood." I shrug

"No, just wait." He sighs

I impatiently wait and shift around on my feet. Then the patient starts to crash, "What did i tell you." I smirk from beneath my face mask

"Shut up and fix it." He grumbles

I grab the scalpel and make the incision and suction out a lot of blood. The cause, a liver lac that opened. I repair the liver lac and the patient starts to become stable.


"I told you I was right." I smirk, washing my hands

"Okay, get over it. You got lucky." He sighs

"The Mariah Shepherd does not get lucky. You just suck." I chuckle

"Whatever." He mumbles and playfully rolls his eyes.

I walk out the room and head to the E. R

Lucky for me, my shift was over. I grabbed my things from the attendings lounge and left to go home

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