Chapter Three

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My pager goes off, i check the time on my phone.

5:35 am

Well at least i got 6 hours. I stretch out and make my way back to Hannah's room.

"Someone update me." i yawn

"Hannah Lucas, post op. Surgeries were successful. Stable for now." a nurse informs me

"Thank you." i nod

I clean up some of her cuts and do some stitches for the gash on her forehead

All of a sudden Hannah wakes up.
"W-where am i?" she stutters

"Hannah, you are at Seattle Grace Hospital. You were in a car accident. I'm your doctor, Dr. Shepherd." i explain to her
"My baby? W-where's Caleb?" she asks concerned

"He's with another doctor, i can go check on him if you want?" i suggest, she simply nods.

I make my way to the room Dr. Webber took Caleb in.

"What's the status on Caleb?" i question him

"Well, it looks like he's not going to make it. His organs are all slowly failing, he's on life support." Dr. Webber sighs

"How long does he have?" i say sadly

"About 20 to 30 minutes." he replies

I walk out of the room. How am i suppose to tell a mom her baby is dying?

"Oh good, you're back. How's my baby?" she lights up as soon as i walk in

"Hannah, i don't know how to say this," i start off. "Your baby was ejected from the car, when he came in he was in critical condition."

"Okay, so what's his status as of right now?" she asks shakily

"Hannah," i sigh "You're baby is dying. The only way he's surviving is because of life support."

She immediately starts crying.
"N-no there has to be another way. Caleb's my baby. He's all i got." she cries

"I'm sorry Hannah, there is no other way. He has about half a hour before they have to take him off." i tell her

She just breaks down, then she becomes unstable.

"Fuck." i mutter under my breath

"I need a crash cart!" i yell

In less than 30 seconds i have a crash cart.

"Charge to 200." i say

They shock her and nothing happens

"Charge to 300!" i order

They shock her and still nothing.

"Charge to 400!" i yell


"Fuck!" i scream

"Come on, Hannah." i say

"Charge to 500." i sigh, this is the last resort.

Still no change.

"Time of d-" i am cut off by a nurse
"Look!" she exclaims
Slowly but surely, she starts to become stable.

"Good, page me when she wakes up." i tell the nurse

My phone goes off and i take it out of my pocket to see who it is.

Derek- i have a surgery, want to scrub in?
Me- Sure, which O.R?
Derek- O.R 2
Me- I'll be there shortly

I take the elevator up to the operating rooms. I walk over to O.R 2, and start scrubbing in.

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