Chapter Twenty

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"So your birthday is coming up." Mark says

"Haha, wrong. My birthday is July 24, tomorrow is January 22." I correct

"I was close." Mark frowns

"You were off by a whole six months and two days. But tomorrow is my sister's birthday." I inform him

"Really?" He questions

"Yeah, my mom is throwing a party shit for her next week." I shrug

"Why don't you go?" Mark inquires

"Are you kidding me? They're across the damn country for one, and i am not close to my family at all." I reply

"I know Derek is flying out there, though." I add

"You should go." Mark insists

"I haven't talked to them in years. As soon as i turned 16, i got emancipated. I never talked to them again. I had to make my own money, good thing i had scholarships. But shut up, my brother doesn't know." I explain

"Why do you insist on being independent?" Mark asks

"I insist on being independent because everyone i let in hurts me, so might as well be alone. I mean, its better." I mumble

"But Mariah, they're your family." Mark sighs

"Okay, thanks for the reminder. Why do you even care?" I huff

"I didn't have a family that loved or cared for me. You guys were the closest thing I've ever had to a family. You have one, and take advantage of it." Mark replies

"You're right Mark. I know you are, but as you said, we Shepherd's are difficult." I mutter and walk away.

As much a i would like to go to my sister's party, note the sarcasm, my mom and i exchanged a few words before i left.

·Throwback 6 years ago*

It was the day of one of my best friend's party.

We had drank, so my friend's boyfriend was driving us home. He hadn't drank at all, so we were good.

Well, as we were getting closer to my house, i don't know what happened. But before i knew what happened, a car collided with the back of us.

My friend was in critical condition, i knew it. She had had the most impact.

"Christine, Christine, can you hear me?" I ask from the front seat


I crawl to the backseat, despite my injuries in order to reach her. I grab her wrist, in order to feel for a pulse. It was there, but it was faint.

I was in my second year of medical school, so of course i knew some things. I had been the top of all my classes and knew a lot about trauma.

I lay her down, and start doing CPR. I'm sure she had internal bleeding, but without the right equipment i would never know.

After a couple of minutes, the ambulances came. "I need some help over here!" I scream

They rushed over and took Christine and her boyfriend, they wanted to take me too, but i insisted otherwise due to the fact that i had only minor injuries from what i could tell.

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