Chapter Twenty Two

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Today we get our new resident.

Dr. Webber extended the time to four months last time because he forgot, and don't get me wrong, i love Meredith, but i need to see another face.

All of us stand in the lobby, the interns and residents on the floor, us attendings on the staircase.

"I will now be announcing the attending you will be with for two months." Dr. Webber announces

"Dr. Grey, you're with Dr. Burke. Dr. Stevens, you're with Dr. Shepherd. Dr. O'Malley, you're with Dr. Sloan and Dr. Karev you're with the other Shepherd." Richard tells us

"Which Shepherd?" He asks

"Little Shepherd. Obviously you were already on Derek's service last month." Richard says

Great. Now Dr. Webber calls me Little Shepherd. Stupid Mark.

I see Mark from the corner of my eye, trying not to laugh.

"Get going people, you've got lives to save!" Richard exclaims

As soon as Richard dismisses us, I go up to Mark and punch him in the arm.

"Ow, what was that for?" He laughs, while rubbing his arm

"You know exactly why." I tut and leave

"Come on Dr. Karev." I sigh

Alex follows me to the nurse's station and grabs a chart.

"So, did you ask her out already?" I question

"What are you talking about?" Alex asks, acting stupid.

"Don't play. You know exactly what I'm talking about." I smirk

"No. I told you, i don't like Izzie." He shrugs

"Alex, don't lie to me. I can see how you look at her." I stammer

"Can you stop?" Alex questions annoyed

"Only if you ask her out." I tell him

"Mariah." He begs

"Fine. But I think you should ask her out, you've been moody the past couple of days." I laugh

"Whatever, lets just go see this patient." He grumbles

We enter the room of a little girl, "What do we got, Dr. Karev?" I ask

"Chelsea Peña, 8 years old. Complaining of major headaches. History of seizures." Alex informs me

"Hi, Chelsea. I'm Dr. Shepherd. How are you feeling right now?" I question

"Good. My head doesn't hurt right now, the nurse gave me medicine." She smiles

"Well Dr. Karev here is going to run some tests on you, okay?" I explain to her

"Okay." She sighs

"Get her a CT, page me with the results." i tell Alex

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