Chapter Thirty-Two

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My phone goes off, waking me almost  immediately.  I groan and reluctantly  answer,"Hello?" I question
"Mariah it's me. Are you still on your date with Sloan?" Alex stammers
"It's 3 am, he left a long ass time ago." I huff
"Well can you come pick me up?" He inquires
"Pick you up? From where?" I question
"Joes." Alex slurs
"Ugh, I'm on my way. " I sigh
"You're the best." He tuts
"I know." I mutter
I hang up and get out of bed.  I grab my keys and head over to Joe's.
I get off my car and go inside to retrieve Alex.  I find him sitting with some of his friends who are drunk aswell.

"Mariah! " He exclaims
"Come on, let's go. I have work in like 4 hours." I yawn
"Okay let's go then." Alex tells me, getting up. He ends up tripping and falling face first on the floor. His friends start laughing their asses off,  no care in the world  for his well being.

"Alex. Are you okay?" I inquire, bending down to examine him. "I'm  fine." Alex groans
"You have a minor head lac. It needs stiches. Come on, let's go." I say, helping him get up.

I am able to get him out of the bar and into my car. "I'm taking you to the hospital. You need fluids and I need to close that wound." I announce
"Fine." He replies, in his seat.

We arrive not too long after, I help Alex walk inside. I take him to a room and sit him down. I hook him up to an I.V and begin dressing his wound.  "Does your head hurt? I need to see if you need a CT." I explain
"I'm fine. Just stitch me up." Alex says
"If you say so." I shrug
I get a suture kit and begin working  on Alex's wound.

"How was your date with Sloan?" Alex questions
"It was good, it went good." I smile
"Did you get some action?" He smirks
"Alex!" I exclaim, hitting him lightly
"It's just a question. And I'm guessing not." Alex frowns
"No. I had him leave, I have work." I say
"Bullshit." He remarks
"Excuse me?" I inquire
"What's the real reason?" Alex inquires

"We made things official now.  I don't  know what to do. I don't want this to go bad, I really like him. But on the otherhand,  he doesn't have a good record with relationships." I sigh
"I think you should go for it. You're lonely and it's kind of pathetic." Alex jokes
"You're one to talk." I tell him, rolling my eyes.
"What's that supposed to mean?" He asks

"It means you can't be talking. You're  about as lonely as me." I laugh
"I have people.." Alex mutters
"The slutty nurses don't count. You should date." I suggest
"Can we talk about something else?" He inquires
"I finished." I mumble, stepping  away from him.
"I'm going to have nurse monitor you.  You can be discharged in a couple hours." I stammer,  walking toward  the door.

"Where are you going?" Alex questions
"To sleep. For the hour I have." I reply
"Thanks a lot by the way." I huff
"Thank you Mariah, I appreciate this.  You're a good friend." He says
"I know that.  And you're welcome Alex, I'm always going to be here for you." I smile
"Thanks." Alex tuts, returning the smile. I nod and walk out of his room.  I head to an on-call room to get some sleep until I have to work.
I hear the door to the on-call room open. I look over to see who it is, Kevin. "Oh shit. What time is it?" I question
"Sorry, I didn't know you were in here. Although, I'm not complaining." He tells me
"It's 7 by the way." Kevin adds
"Ugh. I've got to go. See you later, Dr. Chavez." I mumble, heading  out.

I make my way to my car, where I have a spare outfit just incase. I grab it and head back inside to a restroom so I can change.

I walk out, yesterday's clothes in hand and go to the attending's lounge for some coffee. "Hello, Dr. Shepherd." Dr. Bailey tuts
"Good Morning, Dr. Bailey." I reply, heading to the coffee maker. "Any surgeries?" I question, making my coffee.
"I have to remove a kid's appendix later today, otherwise not really." She shrugs
"What about you?" Dr. Bailey asks
"I have none actually, I was hoping the E.R would bring something good in." I answer, taking a sip from my now finished coffee.

"Me too.  Anyways, goodbye Dr. Shepherd." She says, leaving the lounge. I lean back on the counter, enjoying my coffee until the door opens again. "Hey, beautiful." Mark smiles
"Hey, Mark." I tut

"How was your night?" He questions, walking towards me. "It was okay. I ended up playing driver and nurse for Alex a couple of hours ago." I mutter
"Is he okay?" Mark inquires
"Yeah, minor head lac." I shrug
"You're such a good person." He says, standing only a couple inches away from me. He dips his head down, towards my neck. "Mark, not here." I laugh
"And why not?" Mark asks, his lips brushing against my ear.
Before I can answer, the door opens again, revealing my brother.

We both move away from each other, Derek approaches. "Hey, guys." He tells us
"H-hey Derek." I stutter
"What's up man?" Mark greets
"Would you guys be up for drinks tonight?" Derek asks
"I'm bringing Meredith, so feel free to bring a date Mariah. Mark, don't bring anyone too slutty." He says
"Hey." Mark remarks
"Come on Mark, you've don't have the best choice in women." Derek mumbles
"I don't know Derek, I've got a new girlfriend. I think you would like her, she's pretty amazing." Mark says, glancing at me then looking back at Derek.
"Yeah, right." Derek laughs
"Derek, leave him alone." I say, glaring at him.
"I hope you're going to bring someone, like Kevin. You guys seemed to hit it off yesterday. I know he's interested. I like him, he'd be good for you." He stammers
"You just met him yesterday." I scoff
"What can I say, us Neuro guys are irresistible." Derek smirks
"I beg to differ." I mumble, rolling my eyes.
"So I'll see you guys at eight?" He inquires
I look at Mark, "Yeah." I shrug
"Sure." Mark nods
Derek's pager goes off, "See you later." Derek smiles and leaves

"Who's Kevin?" Mark asks
"The new neuro guy." I reply
"Should I be worried?" He questions
"No, of course not. You're my boyfriend, he isn't." I smile
"I'll see you later." I say, kissing his cheek.
"Bye." I tut
"Bye." He sighs
I walk out and work my way to the packed E.R... Perfect.

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