Chapter Sixteen

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"Marina Garza, 53 year old female. Came in for abdominal pain, bad headaches and chest pain." Meredith announces to me

The woman in front of me, a small older lady, with a LOT of make up.

"Okay, Mrs. Garza. Have you experienced any other symptoms, other than those?" I questions

"Well not really, dear. Just those that i know of." She replies

I rack my brain trying to rule out a diagnosis.

"Dr. Grey, draw some blood, page me with the results." i order

"Right away, Dr. Shepherd." Meredith says

I leave the room and head to the nurses station.

I review over her chart, and everything just doesn't make sense. She is not showing any other symptoms, so what can it be?


Meredith pages me about a hour or so later.

"It came back clean, what now?" Meredith asks

Then it hits me, "Do a urine test and check if there's protein." I tell Meredith

"Um okay, why?" She inquires

"I think she might have lupus." I say

Meredith leaves and i silently congratulate myself.

A half hour later, Meredith confirms my diagnosis.

We enter Mrs. Garza's room, where we find her watching T.V. There is one last thing i need to check for, to make sure it really is lupus

"Mrs. Garza, can you please take off your make up?" I ask

"What for dear?" She frowns

"I think i may know what you have, i just need to make sure." I reply

"Um, well okay." She tuts. She grabs her big purse that was on the table beside her and pulls out some makeup removing wipes.

When its all off, i find just what I'm looking for, the butterfly rash.

Meredith looks at me, and i look back at her.

"Well are you gonna tell what's wrong with me or not?" She huffs

I focus my attention back at my patient, "Mrs. Garza, it seems to be that you have lupus." I tell her

"O-okay, C-c an you fix it?" She stutters

"I'm afraid not ma'am, its a chronic inflammatory disease. I can prescribe you Immunosuppressive drug and some steroids to help it." I reply

She looks at the ground, and then back at us. "Well, its okay. I'll take your treatments, is there anything else?" She smiles bravely

"Yes, you have to wear sunscreen and sum protecting clothing. And you will have to see a number of other doctors, and a PCP." I inform her

"Thank you dear, you've been great." Mrs. Garza mumbles

"I'll write you your prescriptions and the numbers of the doctors you need to see." I mutter and walk out the door.

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