The truth pt 1

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Since I ended the book, I felt it was only right to give y'all some insight to what would've happened in the story.

All of the character deaths remain the same, I didn't see why there was a need to change it. All the relationships progress the way they do in the show. The shooting happens, Mariah gets shot and ends up pretty bad, briefly turning to alcohol and her life takes a turn for the worst for a bit. Her and Mark end things, and they both find other people afterwards. Somewhere along the way, they get back together and Mark eventually ends up proposing. The plane crash still happens, Mark still suffers the same fate. Mariah and Mark get married while Mark is in the hospital, but he dies a couple hours afterwards. Mariah's life goes into a downward spiral after the plane crash and Mark's death, but Alex and Meredith help her out of it. One night Mariah and Alex are at a party and get really drunk and end up hooking up. Mariah ends up pregnant and her and Alex work things out so they are able to coparent, though Mariah is conflicted since Mark did just die a couple months before. Alex moves in with Mariah and supports her through her pregnancy, he even develops some feelings. Just like Callie, Mariah is in a car crash while pregnant, only this time with Jackson. Both Mariah and her baby survive, though the baby is born prematurely. Mariah is in pretty bad condition and ends up in a temporary coma. Alex has a complete breakdown, between his baby being in the NICU and his best friend being in critical condition and not concious. Mariah wakes up after a couple of days. Months pass and both the baby and Mariah are better, living with Alex at Mariah's place. After a while, Mariah begins to try dating. However, Alex cannot handle it anymore and confesses his feelings for her. Mariah confesses to Alex that she feels the same way, but doesn't want to ruin their co-parenting situation if things go bad. Alex reassures Mariah and they shortly after pursue a relationship. Things are going great for a while, and then Amelia shows up again and gets a job at Grey Sloan. Mariah, Amelia and Derek butt heads and Mariah ends up not talking to any of her siblings for a while. However, Meredith and Alex get them all together and they work things out. Derek gets the job offer in D.C, causing tension between him and Meredith. They eventually agree to letting Derek go to D.C, though Mariah has trouble letting go of her brother. Mariah finds out that Derek ends up cheating on Meredith and Mariah is outraged. Her and Derek have a huge argument and harsh words are exchanged. Mariah and Derek don't talk at all. Derek's death still happens as it does on the show, Alex tells Mariah and Mariah has a complete breakdown. Mariah becomes distant with everybody and shuts down. Mariah overworks herself in order to not feel everything. Alex voices his concerns to Mariah, but she just shakes him off. Alex continues trying to help Mariah and she gets fed up with all of it and breaks up with him. Alex takes it pretty badly, but still tries to help.    Meredith disappears, which further worries Alex and Mariah. Mariah barely even goes home, leaving Alex to take care of their daughter. The chief notices Mariah overworking herself and asks her to take a leave of absence, she declines, so the chief lets her go temporarily. Meredith comes back after giving birth to Ellis and readjusts to living back at her house. Mariah begins going to therapy, after having a wakeup call. After a couple of months, Mariah starts feeling better. She confronts Alex and apologizes for everything, telling him she really loves him and she was just at a bad place. Alex takes her back and ends up proposing. Amelia and Mariah are distant. That dinner happens at Meredith's house and Meredith informs everyone about Penny. Mariah gets infuriated at Penny and Alex has to escort Mariah out before she hurts Penny. Alex takes Mariah to the car and calms her down. However, Mariah realizes she is mad at Meredith for not telling her too. A couple of days later, she confronts Meredith about it and they have a fallout. Meredith says some shit that gets Mariah pissed off and Mariah lets it slip that Derek cheated on her. Alex starts spending a lot of time with Meredith, comforting her. Jackson and Mariah get closer and he supports her. Meredith and Mariah stop talking for a while. Eventually Alex calms things between them and they work things out. Amelia and Owen begin getting closer. Alex and Mariah go to the courthouse and get married, promising a proper wedding later. Mariah and Alex find out that Mariah is pregnant again. Mariah is reluctant and scared about the whole thing because of everything that happened with her first kid. However, her fears are eased and they enjoy the good news. Amelia and Owen decide to get married, Amelia asks Mariah to be her maid of honor. Amelia's wedding day gets closer and Amelia has a total breakdown because their mom won't go to her wedding. Mariah feels bad for Amelia and calls her mom, despite not talking to her for over a decade. Mariah gets her mom to come to Amelia's wedding, however her mom wants to talk to Mariah. Mariah agrees, though she is immensely dreading it. Mariah goes to Jackson and rants to him, confessing the thing that actually made her leave her mom's house and cut ties. She tells him about how she had a teacher who would sexually harass her and try to blackmail her. Things got worse when he began dating Mariah's mom and eventually he tried to rape her, however she managed to escape. Jackson comforts Mariah and Mariah makes Jackson promise he won't say anything to anyone, especially Alex. He reluctantly agrees, but tells her he was going to keep an eye on her. Carol  (Mariah and Amelia's mom) informs Amelia that she is going to her wedding and lands a day early to talk to Mariah. She instructs Mariah to meet her at a restaurant to talk. Mariah goes, but doesn't talk much. Carol notices Mariah's baby bump and asks about it and about her love life. Mariah tries avoiding the question, however, Carol sees her wedding ring. Mariah gets through the dinner and quickly leaves. Amelia's wedding day comes up and she is having doubts. Alex sees Mariah  is stressed out and they try hooking up in the bathroom. Carol walks in and scolds Mariah for cheating on her husband,  but Alex tells her that he is in fact Mariah's husband and they awkwardly exchange hellos. Mariah walks out of the restroom and the wedding commences. Carol confronts her after the wedding, completely criticizing Mariah's life choices. Mariah gets enraged and totally goes off on Carol about everything and Alex has to break things apart before Mariah hurts herself or the baby. Alex takes Mariah home and tries talking to her, but she shrugs the subject off. Mariah wakes up that night with some pain and discovers blood all over the bed. She loses conciousness and Alex rushes her to the hospital. Mariah ends up having an emergency c section, the baby ends up perfectly healthy. Mariah stays in the hospital for the while to recover, she ends up having an unexpected visitor. Alex called Liza and told her about everything. Liza comforts Mariah and helps her with the kids for a little while. Alex goes back to work and ends up getting closer to Jo. Mariah stays home and works on healing. After a month, Mariah is ready to go back to work and she notices Jo getting all up on Alex. Mariah keeps Alex close to her at work and Jackson gets Jo reassigned to another attending. One day Mariah is getting something from the supply closet and walks in on Jo and Alex kissing. Mariah flips out and goes off on both Alex and Jo, she even ends up laying hands on Jo and Jackson has to come get Mariah. Alex tries to talk to Mariah, but she completely shuts him out. Mariah moves in with Jackson for a while, leaving Alex shocked. Mariah allows Alex to see his kids, but doesn't talk to him. Jackson confronts Alex and tells him off, which just makes things worse. Alex and Jackson begin fighting and Mariah gets in between them and finally speaks. She tells Alex that she is done with him and how he is handling things, is not what she wants. She tells him that she wants a divorce, and Alex completely shuts down. Mariah keeps it professional at work, but still avoids Alex. Mariah finds a new house and moves in with her kids. Mariah hands Alex the divorce papers, wanting to move on with life. Alex shuts everyone out and begins doing everything he can to avoid feeling anything. The date comes up for them to sign the papers and work things out, Alex confesses to Mariah that kissing Jo was a mistake and he has no feelings for her. Alex tells Mariah he really loves her and is very sorry for cheating on her, he begs her not to go through with the divorce. Mariah stays silent and tries not to breakdown, Alex walks out of the room and can't proceed with the divorce. Mariah and Alex begin hooking up again, no strings attached for a couple of months, however Alex stops it.  Mariah and Andrew Deluca get close and slowly start dating, Alex finds somebody and begins dating.  Mariah and Alex are able to coparent nicely and Mariah starts being more civil towards Alex. Andrew starts spending more time at Mariah's place. Alex comes to pick up the kids and notices Andrew living at Mariah's. Alex gets mad and tells Mariah he doesn't want Andrew around the kids because he doesn't want them to think Andrew is their dad. Mariah assures Alex that Andrew isnt replacing him and defuses the situation. Mariah goes to a comfrence in Massachusetts and meets a woman named Rita Jones. Rita has an interest in Mariah and offers her an amazing job opportunity (her own surgical institute) in Boston. Mariah is excited and brings to news back to Andrew. Andrew finds the news amazing and encourages Mariah to take it. He even tells her he will move with her and support her through everything, he also tells her they can have a life in Boston, maybe get married and have kids. Mariah completely brushes off the subject and goes to Arizona for advice. Arizona reminds her about the whole Callie situations and tells Mariah she needs to work things out with Alex. Arizona convinces Mariah that she needs to do what's best for her. Mariah shows up to Alex's house and tells him about the job opportunity and that they need to work out an custody agreement. Alex is pissed and hurt, he tries to get Mariah to stay, but she insists on leaving. Andrew is able to find a residency at a hospital in Boston and begins making arrangements. Mariah gets things moving with the whole move and starts moving forward. Mariah begins feeling sick and finds out, she is unexpectedly pregnant. Mariah is conflicted because she doesn't know who the father is and this could change everything. Mariah hides her pregnancy as best as she could, only telling Arizona. However, Andrew finds out and is beyond excited. Word comes out about the pregnancy and Alex finds out. Alex confronts Mariah and wishes her well with Andrew and the baby. Mariah confesses to Alex that she isn't sure who the father of the baby is and Alex is conflicted. Mariah has an ultrasound to find out she is 9 weeks, meaning it's Alex's baby.  Mariah is unsure of how to handle things and beings questioning her move. Mariah tells Andrew the baby isn't his, but despite that, Andrew doesn't care and is down to raise it as his own. Andrew is able to secure a place in Boston and slowly begins packing. Mariah confronts Alex and tells him that it is in fact his baby and he tells her she shouldn't leave. Alex's girlfriend finds out about Mariah's pregnancy and begins fighting with Mariah. Alex finds out and breaks up with her, apologizing for Mariah, he tells Mariah he will do anything to make things work. Mariah sits down and really things about how she feels about everything and realizes she has everything completely wrong. She talks to Andrew and tells him she can't move to Boston and that he will have to go without her. Andrew accuses Mariah of cheating on him with Alex and Mariah is fed up and finally breaks up with him. The next day, Mariah goes up to Alex and apologizes for everything and tells him she can't leave. She confesses she is sorry for not working things out and that she still loves him. She tells Alex that if he's still down, she wants to try again. Alex is beyond happy and tells Mariah he feels the same way and is excited for the baby. 

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