Chapter Ten

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Its been bothering me all day. I've been trying to distract myself with as much work as i can, but the thought doesn't leave my mind.

Addison is pregnant with my brother's kid.

I know that i need to tell Derek, but Meredith and him just started being happy again.

"You okay, Mariah?" Mark asks, walking up to me

I snap out of my daze, and look up at him. "Oh, yeah. I'm fine." I lie

"Are you sure, because you look pale." He frowns

"I'm fine, Mark!" I exclaim and walk out of there.

I go check on my post op patients, and when I'm done i get paged.

"Shepherd, Incoming trauma! Move it!" Dr. Bailey yells

I grab the yellow trauma gown and page Meredith. There are a total of three ambulances.

I go to the second one. "What do we got?" I ask the paramedic

"Keith Williams, 25 year old male. Victim of a drive-by shooting, two bullets to the chest. Stable as of now." the paramedic informs me

"A drive-by shooting?" Meredith questions

"Probably a gang member or something." i shrug

Meredith and I rush Keith into a room, Meredith takes off his clothes.

She hooks him up to a IV while i examine him.

"Meredith, run some tests. Make sure to get a chest x-ray and a CT." i order. "Got it." she nods as she takes Mr. Williams.

I go check on Bailey and her patients to see what she's got. Maybe she'll know what happened.

"Do you have any idea what happened here?" i ask Bailey

"Supposedly, the guys you and Burke got, were the victims of the shooting. The guy i have is the one responsible. I guess he only got them two, and the rest of the gang or whatever shot at him." She explains

"Oh, okay. Thank you." i say

"Did you call the police?" I inquire

"No, but can you do me a favor and do so?"  she replies

I nod and walk out of her room, i call P.D and when I'm done, Meredith pages with the results.

"Okay, what happened?" i question

"The chest x-ray show he has a broken rib, the heart suffered some punctures from the bullets. He also has a broken collar bone." Meredith says

"Book a OR, we need to get him into surgery as soon a possible." I order


"He's coding!" Meredith exclaims

"Dammit! Get the crash cart!" I yell.

"Charge to 200." i order, she chargers the paddles to 200, and no change.

"Charge to 300." i say, frustrated, she charges the paddles to 300 and finally his heart picks back up.

I tell Meredith to page me, and to get the police when he wakes up.

Mark walks up to me, "My patient wants a second opinion about a surgery, she knows who you are apparently and wants your opinion." Mark says

"Okay, lets go then." i sigh, and follow Mark to his patients room.

I walk through the door and see a middle aged woman, sitting on her bed, reading a magazine.

"Dr. Shepherd!" she squeals, as she sees me

"Do I know you?" i question

"No. But i know all about you. You're the best surgeon in all off Seattle, the whole state, even the country!" she says

"I wouldn't go that far, but thank you ma'am." i chuckle

"I'm Miriam Anderson." she greets

"Mariah Shepherd, but you already knew that." I tut

"Okay, anyways, what surgery did you need my opinion on?" I ask

"I want a boob job. I got a new boyfriend, i want to impress. But Dr. Hottie here, says there are too many risks." She grumbles

"Dr. Hottie? Why does everyone think that about you?" i question Mark, laughing

"You can't deny it, I'm irresistible." He winks, and i roll my eyes causing Ms. Anderson to laugh

"I've had a previous battle with breast cancer, they had to cut off a large portion of my breasts. Dr. Sloan said there was a risk i could infect or even trigger it with the implants." she frowns

"Ma'am, Dr. Sloan is right. I wouldn't recommend it." i sigh

My pager goes off, i look at it to see that it's Meredith.

"Sorry, i got to go." i apologize, and rush to my patients room

"What happened?" i ask Meredith

"The patient woke up, the police are in there right now." She informs me

"Okay, thank you Meredith." i mumble

I go inside and join the police, i make sure Mr. Williams is stable, and doing well.

I leave the room, so the police can question him.


So it turns out it was the other way around. The guys Burke and I had were the drive by shooters and the guy Bailey had, was the victim.

As soon as my patient can be discharged, he will be handed to the police.

Derek approaches me, "Hey, Mer'" He greets

"Hey, Derek." I mumble

"Um, are you okay?" he asks

Should i tell him?

"Yeah." i lie

"Oh okay, that's good." he says and starts to walk away

"Derek!" i call, he stops and comes back. "Yes?" he inquires

"We need to talk." I sigh


Yeah, i know its short and i promised a longer chapter, but i have been busy. To make up for it, i will try to do a double update! Don't forget to vote and comment!

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