Chapter Eleven

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Derek and I go to a on call room to talk.

"Derek, i don't think i should tell you. But you need to know so here it goes, i guess." I start

"Mariah, you're scaring me here." Derek chuckles

"It's Addison, she's pregnant." I tell him

Derek's face changes real fast. "Okay, and?" He asks

"Its your baby." I mumble

"H-how do you even know?" He stutters

"She asked me to do her ultrasound yesterday. She told me not to tell you, but i felt like you needed to know." I explain

Derek sits on the bed, his hands on his knees. "It can't be mine, are you sure it isn't Mark's?" He inquires

"Derek, she's nine weeks along. It has to be yours." I sigh

"Dammit,!" He yells. "Just when Meredith and I are at a good place in our relationship again, something else has to mess it up!"

"What are you going to do?" i frown

"I don't know. I need to talk to her." He replies, and leaves

I walk out of the on call room and as I'm walking out, someone bumps into me, dropping all the papers i had in my hands.

"Watch where you're going, asshole!" i exclaim

I look to see who bumped into me, it was Alex.

I bend down to pick up the papers, Alex doesn't help. I stop and then turn around, "Stop, checking out my ass and help me." I groan

"I wasn't checking out your ass." He says, bending down and helping me

"Then what were you doing?" I question

"I was observing you, pick up papers." He stammers

I roll my eyes and get up, he hands me the papers and leaves.


"So did you talk to her?" I ask Derek

"Yeah, she said it would be best to just co-parent. We're already divorced next month." He replies

"Is that such a good idea?" I question

"No, but there isn't another way for this to work out. We have to do what we can." He tells me

"Have you told Meredith?" I inquire

"No. But I'm going to tonight. I don't want to, but she'll know eventually." He frowns

"I gotta go, Meredith just got off her shift." He shrugs


The next day, i don't see Meredith, or Derek for that matter.

I ignore it. Today, i have no resident. Mark wants me to scrub in with him on a surgery for a burn victim. He has George on his service today, since the chief was busy.

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