Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"That's his CT?" I ask the radiologist
"Yep." He replies
"Oh my gosh." I mutter
"He's got a huge tumor in his frontal lobe." I say

I sigh and head back to Mr. Diaz's room. "Hello, Dr. Shepherd." Josh weakly smiles
"Hi, um we got the results of your CT." I announce
"Judging by your face, it's not good." He tells me
"The CT showed that you have a pretty sizable tumor in your frontal lobe." I inform him
"Oh," Josh tuts "So what are you going to do about it?"

"I mean surgery is a option, but there would be some risks due to the size." I say
"What if I don't get the surgery?" He inquires
"You'll only have about 4-6 months." I sigh
"So I either take a chance and risk dying in surgery or I live out 4-6 months?" Josh asks

"Well, ultimately yes." I shrug
"Okay, so when can you start the surgery?" He questions
"Um, if there is an open O.R. you can be operated on in an hour." I tell him
"Are you going to be performing the surgery solo?" Josh inquires
"That was the plan. The head of neuro will also be there to assist, he's my brother." I explain

"I told Richard to give me the best doctor in the whole hospital. I checked your credintals and you're pretty impressive. I have faith you can do this." He stammers
"I'm going to try my best." I nod
"I'm going to go book an O.R." I say

I exit the guarded corridor and call the O.R and book a room. I see Derek by the "Derek!" I call out

I walk over to him, "Where are you going?" I question
"Radiology." He replies
"I have a surgery on a V.I.P patient, are you up to assist?" I ask
"I have to check on some patients but then I'll be over there." Derek mutters
"Okay, thanks." I tut and walk off

"So, where were you yesterday?" Derek questions
I look up from the Josh's brain, "Alex's, why?" I inquire
"I went by Mer's yesterday and you weren't there." He shrugs
"Well I was with Alex." I sigh

I am able to take a large portion of the tumor out when his brain starts to bleed, "Fuck! " I exclaim
"I need suction." I order
Derek applies suction and I attempt to fix the bleed. With some assistance, I am able to repair the tear. "So are you seeing anyone?" Derek questions

"No Derek." I sigh
"I'm sorry if I am just a little bit interested in my sisters life." He scoffs
"Im sorry, Derek." I mumble

"No I'm not seeing anyone, I don't have the time and it's not really my priority right now." I explain
"I understand you love what you do Mariah, but you got to let someone in." Derek tells me
"Don't worry about me." I mumble

After about two more hours I am able to fully remove the tumor and close him up.


"So how did the surgery go?" Alex asks as we eat our lunch
"Good, I was able to remove all the tumor." I tut
"Hey, have you heard about Meredith's intern sister?" He questions
"Yeah." I mumble

"Well apparently she told Meredith yesterday and now Meredith is ignoring her at all costs." Alex says

"I told her not to do it, it's her fault." I shrug
"And right now it looks like she's trying to steal your boyfriend." Alex stammers, pointing in back of my with a fork.

I turn around and see Lexie and Mark standing together, laughing. "Mark is not my boyfriend, we're not exclusive." I tell him and go back to eating my lunch

"Wow." Alex remarks
"What?" I inquire
"You're not like most girls." He mutters
"How so?" I ask

"Most girls would've found a way to shut that shit down and would've been all jealous." Alex explains
"Oh well like I said, we're not serious. If he wants to sleep with her or whatever, then so be it." I sigh
"I guess." He shrugs

"You know there is a lot of guys at this hospital that would want to be with you, if he wants to flirt with other girls, you should flirt with other guys." Alex says

"Yeah, but this isn't a game." I chuckle
"If it was me, that's what I would do." He tells me
"Well then go, Izzie is over there with that Devin guy from Radiology, do something." I smirk

"Well I think I already am, she already has speculations about us you know that?" Alex asks
"Really? Us?" I laugh

"I don't know, but that is what she told me yesterday. Apparently she found out about our hangout last night and got all jealous." He shrugs
"Okay I got this, hold up." I say, standing up.
"What are you doing?" Alex questions

"Stand up." I order
"Mariah." He groans
"Come on." I frown
"Fine." Alex tuts, rolling his eyes.
He stands up and I wrap my arms around him, "What are you doing?" He questions
"Shh, she's looking over here." I mumble
"Ooh she's doesn't look happy." I chuckle
I pull away and throw away my trash, "Neither does he." Alex mutters

I turn around and see Mark staring at me, "Whatever. I'll see you later Alex." I sigh, and leave.

I'm walking toward to my patient's room when I am stopped by someone grabbing me by the arm. I look over to see who it is, Mark. "What?" I inquire
"Are you with Karev now?" Mark chuckles
"No, but why do you care. He's my best friend." I reply
"I just thought we had something." He shrugs
"Mark, we're not officially together." I say

"Plus, aren't you with that intern Lexie?" I question
"You saw that?" Mark inquires
"Yeah, but I don't care." I mumble
"You're jealous aren't you?" He smirks

"Me? Jealous of her? Please." I scoff
"Alex told me how Lexie was stealing my boyfriend, I told him exactly what I told you. I am not jealous, believe me." I tell him
"It's okay Little Shepherd, you're in denial." He says
"Back with that stupid nickname? Screw you." I huff
"I mean you already did, but I'm up for another go. " Mark smirks
"Ugh, you're unbelievable." I groan

"I was pretty unbelievable last night wasn't I?" He questions
"Shut up." I mumble and hit him. I proceed to walk away, "I love you too baby!" Mark exclaims

I flip him off and I hear his laughs from behind me.

He's so frustrating.


Hey guys! We got up to 3k, and I am about 50 reads from 4K. That is unbelievable! Thank you guys so much, I appreciate it a lot. I know I updated a little late, sorry. Also I am looking for a person to make me a new cover for the book, if you have any entries, hit me up! Don't forget to comment and vote!


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