Chapter Twenty-Seven

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We end up going back to Mark's to continue drinking, but we didn't do much drinking. I'm not going to get into detail, but it was good.

I wake up to the sound of a pager going off, the first thing I notice is that I'm not in my room. I look around to try to identify my location, and then I see a naked Mark sleeping besides me. "Fuck." I whisper

I get the blanket I was using and wrap it around me and grab my pager. I look at it and it was from Richard. I groan and look at the time, "I'm late!" I mumble. I put on my clothes from last night and leave Mark's apartment as fast as I can.

Once I get to the hospital, Richard is there waiting for me. "Hello, Dr. Webber." I smile
"Dr. Shepherd, you're late." He frowns
"I know sir and I'm sorry." I sigh
"We have a V.I.P patient, they have requested your service." Richard says

"I guess that would explain the extra security." I say
"Come on." He tells me
When we get to the room, at first I don't recognize the patient. "Dr. Shepherd, this is Joshua Diaz, the governors ' son." Richard informs me
"Oh great." I mutter under my breath

"Okay, what's wrong with Mr. Diaz?" I ask the nurse with his chart
"Josh is fine " He smiles
"I got it from here." I tell Dr. Webber, he gets the memo and leaves.
I nod, "Joshua Diaz, came in for severe headaches. Bad enough to faint at his father's campaign." The nurse says
"Have you drank water?" I question
"I'm not dehydrated if that's what you're asking.' Josh tells me

"Any more symptoms?" I inquire
"Nope, just some nasuea." He explains
"Nurse take his temp." I order
The nurse takes out the thermometer and takes his temperature, "103.7." She informs me

"Give him some meds to control that temp, then prep him for a CT. Page me when he's ready." I demand
"A CT? Is that nessecary?" Josh questions
"It's a precautionary measure, but yes." I reply

He groans and I walk out the corridor back into the E.R. "There you are." I hear someone say
I turn around and see Mark, "Hey." I mumble
"So you just left? Not even a goodbye?" He inquires
"I got paged by Richard." I inform him
"Hmm, so I give you my all last night and nothing?" Mark asks

"Shut up, we can't talk about this here." I whisper and hit him
I grab his arm and take him into an on call room, "Round 2? I mean I know I was good but here?" He smirks
"Shut up." I chuckle

"Look, last night was good and all-"
"But you want to end things?" Mark inquires, cutting me off
"What? No" I answer
"I meant last night was good and all but I'm not that type of person who sleeps with a guy after a first date. We were drunk and we didn't know what was happening." I explain

"Um no, I knew what I was doing." He shrugs
"I'm not sure I want to be in a relationship right now." I sigh
"Oh. Not even with me?" Mark frowns
"I think we can make it work, but we have to take it slow." I say
"I can do that." He smiles

"Okay good." I tell him
"So does taking it slow mean I can't kiss you right now?" Mark asks, backing me up to the door
"I think I can make an exception." I smirk

Mark kisses me and places his hands on my ass. This lasts for a while until I stop it, "I have a V.I.P patient, Richard will kill me if I am negligent." I sigh
"You have a V.I.P patient? Who is it?" He questions
"I'm afraid I can't tell you due to confidentiality." I smirk
"It's the governors son." I tell him
"You mean the governor that's running for president?" Mark inquires
"Yep. I got to go." I say, I kiss him quickly, open the on call room door and leave.

"Someone's happy." Alex says, walking next to me
"Maybe I am, so what?" I question
"That's totally not you. You're like a dark cloud." He remarks
"You got laid!" Alex smirks
"No I didn't, shut up." I mumble

"That totally explains the abnormal happiness." He says
"Is it really that obvious?" I sigh
"Yeah, you're totally giving it away. The hickey on your neck doesn't help either." Alex laughs
"I do not have a hickey." I gasp
"I mean your hair covers it up pretty good, but I can still see it." He shrugs

"Fuck." I mutter under my breath
"Sloan should've been a little more secretive." He tells me
"Who said it was Sloan?" I ask
"Mariah, you and I both know it's Sloan. Don't play." Alex frowns
"I got to go." I groan and head back to tend to my patient


Hey guys, so it's 3:30 am right now... Okay anyways I'm sorry I didn't post last week, I had the flu. I have another chapter in the works and will be posting again soon. Don't forget to vote and comment!!


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