Chapter Twelve

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Derek has been in one of his bitchy moods all week.

Everytime i see him, he either ignores me or rolls his eyes at me. Like this whole Addison pregnancy thing was my fault, it's his fault he didn't use protection or whatever.

"Grey, cover my post ops, i have to go do a consult." I order, and Meredith scrambles away.

She on the other hand has been coping in a less aggressive way. The only thing is she is always in the E.R, she never wants to go home.

"Dr. Stevens, you paged me for a consult?" I ask

"Yes. This woman has been complaining of abdominal pain. Her stomach is tender and when i did a ultrasound, there seemed to be some fluids." Izzie explains

"It sounds like she has ascites, page Dr. Bailey for treatment." I tell her

She nods and i walk away. My pager goes off, its Meredith. I rush to the patients room, "What happened?" I question, walking to the patient

"She started to seize, one minute she was talking to me, to next she was seizing." Meredith informs me

"Take her up to do a MRI and push Diazepam." I demand


The lady who came in for appendicitis, apparently has cancer, in her brain.

"Ms. Lewis, you had a seizure earlier. We did a MRI, and it showed that you have brain tumor." I start

"A tumor? Okay. What does that mean?" She asks, on the verge of tears

"Ms Lewis, you have brain cancer." I mumble

"Brain cancer?" She gasps

"Can you operate?" Ms. Lewis questions

"It's inoperable, the tumor has spread. I'm sorry, but it looks like you're too far gone." I say

"No," she cries "I want a second opinion!"

"Meredith, page Derek." I sigh

Derek arrives moments later, "You needed a consult?" He asks, kind of in shock.

"Ms. Lewis wants a second opinion about her brain tumor. It's inoperable, but she wants to see what you think." I explain

I show Derek the MRI scan, "Dr. Shepherd is right," He tuts "Your tumor has spread, its already in its late stages too."

"No! There has to be something you can do!" She yells, crying hysterically

"I'm sorry, ma'am. Operating has a pretty high fatality rate." I shrug

"So does just waiting here and doing nothing about it!" she exclaims

"I'm going to go, now." Derek announces awkwardly, taking a last glance at Meredith.

"How long do I have then?" She questions, finally accepting her fate.

"A couple of months. Maybe 4 months?" I tell her, making a rough estimate

"Can i just go home then? I don't want to die here." She sighs, tears trailing down her cheeks

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