Chapter Twenty-Three

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I wake up to my phone ringing from the bedside table. I try to ignore it, but i realize it could actually be more important than my sleep.

I groggily grab my phone, "Hello." I say

"Hello. Is this Dr. Mariah Shepherd?" A woman asks

"This is she." I reply a little confused

"This is Jillian Davis from Johns Hopkins. We were wondering if you would like to take the opportunity and teach at our school?" She questions

"Permanently?" I inquire

"Why but of course. We'd love to have a medical genius such as yours truly teaching the future doctors at our school." She tells me

"I'm sorry ma'am, I'm going to have to decline. Teaching is not really my thing, and I like my job at Seattle Grace, thank you." I explain

"Oh, that's alright. Thank you for your time." She sighs

I hang up and place my phone back on the table. Once i wake up, I cannot go back to sleep. I fix my hair in a messy bun and head downstairs.

When I get there Meredith, Derek and surprisingly Mark are there.

Seeing as how I don't really want to see my brother, I head back upstairs and get dressed.

I put on jeans, a regular t-shirt and a sweatshirt seeing as how it's 50 degrees outside. I apply light makeup and put on my shoes, grab my phone and pager, just in case and head back downstairs.

I try to escape as quietly as possibly, but unluckily for me, Meredith found and exposed me.

"Hey, Mariah. You want to join us for breakfast?" She asks

Derek and Mark turn my direction, "Um, no. I'm actually going to go get something at the cafe down the street and head to the store. Text me if you need anything." I reply awkwardly

"You're going all alone?" Mark questions

"Yeah." I mumble

"That's dangerous. You could get raped or mugged or killed." Mark says

"You're so optimistic." I sarcastically remark

"Thanks for worrying Mark, but I'm okay." I reassure

"Maybe I should go with you." He mutters

"I don't think that's the best idea." I stammer

"Me either." Derek says, finally speaking for the first time since i entered the room.

"Oh, he speaks." I tut, rolling my eyes.

"I don't mind. Not if it assures your safety." Mark insists

"You don't mind, but I do. I'm cool, now bye." I shrug

I grab my car keys off the hook and head outside.

I get in my car and turn it on, I switch on the heater and grab the auxiliary cord.

I plug my phone, and go through my playlist on Spotify. I pick a song, and just as I'm about to leave, Mark comes.

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