Chapter Twenty One

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I happen to find Meredith soon after my encounter with Dr. Grey.

"Hey Mer', some girl was looking for you." I inform her

"Who?" She frowns

"I don't know, some intern." I shrug

"Okay, thanks." She mumbles and walks off

As I'm walking down the hall, something catches my eye.

Alex & Izzie.

They're talking in the corner. This wouldn't be weird if Alex was a nice person but nevertheless, Izzie was still talking to him, smiling and laughing.

I stand back and watch them both converse, waiting for Alex to see me.

It takes a bit, but then he realizes I'm watching them. He gets all flustered, tells Izzie something and heads to my direction.

I decide to walk away, to avoid confrontation, but Alex catches up.

"Why are you stalking me?" He asks

"The girl is Izzie, ain't it?" I smirk

"What?" He questions

"The girl you told me about a while back, its Izzie." I reply

"Shut up." He huffs

"Aw, Alex's got a little crush on Izzie." I mock

"I'm serious, shut up. I don't like her." Alex insists

"Whatever Alex, stop trying to fight it." I laugh

He rolls his eyes and leaves.


"Sisters. Like wow." George whispers

"I knew it wasn't a coincidence." I say

"Okay, please explain to me again how you know this?" Cristina asks

"I was talking to Lexie, and she told me. Its not that difficult." George rolls his eyes

"I just can't believe that intern is Meredith's sister." She tuts

"I mean, it does make sense. Both their names are Dr. Grey after all." I say, matter of factly.

"Do you think she applied for this internship to see Mer'?" Cristina questions

"Maybe, but it seems unlikely." George says

"How so? She hears she has a half sister in Seattle, she gets curious and applies for a internship at the same hospital as her sister. Makes sense to me." I explain

"Does Mer' know?" Cristina inquires

"No, she's been busy. Lexie has been keeping her distance until the right time approaches." George replies

"I don't think there is a right time. Meredith isn't the best when it comes to family." I shrug

"I'll talk to her." I mumble

"Is that really the best thing to do?" George inquires

"Yes, now bye." I insist and walk off to find Lexie.


I end up finding her at lunch sitting with a couple of other interns, she is sitting at the end laughing, while drinking a juice box.

Seriously? How is she related to Mer'?

I sigh and walk up to her," Dr. Grey, i need to speak with you." I say

She and the other interns look up at me in amazement like I'm a God or something.

"Me?" She questions

"You are Dr. Grey, aren't you?" I ask rather impatiently

"Y-Yes." She stutters and gets up

We walk to a hallway," You can't tell Meredith you're her sister." I state

"What?" She asks confused

"I know you guys are sisters, no need to act." I mumble

"Did George tell you? Because i told him not to tell anyone!" She replies

"Lexie, I'm not an idiot." I sigh

"I would never say or even think that of you ma'am!" Lexie mutters

"Chill. I never said you did. I'm saying, you don't exactly need to be a genius to figure it out." I explain

"Why can't I tell her?" Lexie inquires

"Meredith and family don't really do well." I sigh

"But what if it's different?" She questions

"Hey, I'm just warning you. Do it, but don't say i didn't tell you." I shrug and walk away.

"Hello, Dr. Shepherd." Izzie greets

"Hey Iz, what's up?" I question

"I was wondering if i can scrub in on your thoracotomy tomorrow?" She asks

"Sorry Izzie, I have Cristina scrubbing in already." I frown

"Oh okay. Thanks anyways." She shrugs and leaves

I just want today to end...


Hey guys, sorry I've been like non-existent for the past couple of weeks, but i had a project for school and it was taking up most of my time. I know this chapter is short as fuck, but i will post again sometime in the next couple of days.

- ·A·

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