Chapter Forty-Seven

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"So I heard that the attendings are having a dinner." Alex tuts, handing me a beer.
"Yeah, I think I'm going to go ahead and pass on that." I shrug, taking a sip of my beer.
"Why?" He inquires

"I don't feel like going to some fancy restaurant and acting all formal. You know I'd much rather hang out with the residents." I tell him
"I don't really belong there, everyone is way older than me." I chuckle

"That's what you get for being a fetus." Alex smirks
"Shut up." I tut, smacking him playfully on the leg.
"I'm surprised you're not with Sloan. Don't you both have off today?" He questions

"Yeah, but he's with my brother. They're having a barbeque or something at Mer's." I mutter
"And I didn't get invited? Hurtful." Alex frowns
"Meredith literally invited you on Thursday, remember?" I ask

"Oh, yeah." He tuts
"Why aren't you there?" Alex inquires
"You ask way too many questions, Karev." I tell him
"Sorry for caring." He mumbles

"I didn't go because we had plans today." I shrug
"Bullshit." Alex chuckles
"You're avoiding him. Why?" He asks
"I'm not avoiding him." I mutter

"You totally are." Alex snorts
"Okay, so?" I inquire
"Mariah, why?" He frowns
"I don't know." I shrug
"Don't lie to me." Alex says

"I feel like this relationship isn't going to end well." I tell him
"Why do you say that?" He questions
"I hate hiding our relationship. And I know eventually Derek has to find out, but I have a feeling that's going to ruin everything." I stammer

"Forget it, I'm being stupid." I mumble
"Hey, you want to order in? Or if you want we can go to a restaurant." Alex suggests, changing the subject

"You want to go to the diner by my place?" I ask
"I feel like drowning my sorrows in pancakes and bacon." I chuckle
"I'm going to marry you." He jokes
"Shut up." I tut, throwing him a pillow

I get up and put on my shoes, "You driving or me?" Alex questions
"You can drive." I smirk
"Lazy ass." He teases
"You love me." I tut
"I do." He groans

We leave his apartment and get into his car, Alex pulls out of the parking lot and begins driving to the diner.

"I could've paid you know." Alex says
"It's not a problem." I shrug, getting into his car.
"Where off to now?" He asks
"It doesn't really matter, you can pick." I nod

"I was just going to go back to my place." Alex chuckles
"That's fine." I say
He pulls out of the diner and begins driving home, "You can stay the night if you want." He suggests

"I would, but I have early plans tomorrow." I mutter
"I forgot, the world famous child prodigy surgeon, Mariah Shepherd is a busy woman." Alex chuckles

"Derek invited me to breakfast at his place. He said that he never sees me or whatever. I fell for his stupid guilt trip. Least I could do after not listening and screwing his best friend." I snort
"Sounds fun." He tuts
"Very." I mumble

We arrive at Alex's apartment and head inside, "Oh shit, is that the time?" I inquire
"Yeah." Alex nods
"I'm sorry, I have to go." I groan
"Nah, it's cool." He shrugs

"See ya, kid." Alex says, hugging me.
"I'll see you later, loser." I tell him, walking away.
I get into my car and head home.

It doesn't take me long to get there, considering that it was half last midnight. I open the door to Mark's apartment and set my things down. All the lights are off, except for the one in his bedroom.

I walk in and see him on his laptop, "Hey, baby." Mark tuts, putting his laptop to the side.
"Hey." I mutter, taking off my shoes.
"I missed you tonight." He says
"Yeah, I was with Alex. Sorry, I couldn't make it." I nod, getting undressed.

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