Chapter Seven

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Today is my day off, i think of sleeping in. But then i remember that i have to pick up my key to Meredith's before her shift.

I groan as i pull on some jean shorts and a t- shirt and drive to the hospital. Luckily Meredith just got there, so i approach her before she enters.

"Hey, Mariah." she smiles

"Hey, Meredith." i say returning the smile

"Okay, i understand you need to move in. I also understand you have the day off today, feel free to move in today. Here's the key." she tells me as she hands me the key

I slip it in my back pocket and head for my car. Along the way, i pass Alex and some of his friends i don't know. "Damn, i don't know what i did to deserve this." Alex smirks while checking out my ass.

"Like what you see?," i ask. He nods and waits for my response. I walk up closer to him, making myself almost press against him. "You want me?" i whisper in his ear, which earns a groan from him, i feel something at my thigh, signaling i did what i planned.

"Too bad." i laugh as do all Alex's friends when they see i have given him a boner. "Man whatever." Alex grumbles as he hurries out of there.


After almost a hour, i finally have everything loaded in my car. I stop at the store first before heading to Meredith's to buy some things to decorate a little.

After grabbing a couple of things, i finally arrive at Meredith's house. I unlock the front door with my key and push the door open.

I start grabbing things, one box at a time up the stairs. Almost 45 minutes later, i unload everything and head up to my room.

I place my clothes in the dresser, and hang my scrubs in the closet. I put my my shoes on the bottom of my closet and then i started to unpack my other things.

I organize my room to my standards, kind of changing the whole look, but i don't care.

My room has a small flat screen T.V, a desk and a chair, some pictures i hung up on the wall, and some other things i did to change it up.

I decide to take a nap, since now i have moved.


I am awoken by the sound of the front door opening. I yawn and get out of bed and head downstairs.

Meredith, George, Izzie, Christina and Alex all were there hanging out on the couch..

"Hey Mariah." they all greeted, except for Alex, who i'm guessing is still mad at me from earlier.

"What are you guys doing?" i ask as i join them on the couch, i sit between Izzie and Meredith.

"We're off, remember, so we're going to get wasted." Meredith giggled handing me a beer

"Guys, this isn't how you get wasted. We need heavier shit." i explain

"I agree, bring out some vodka." Christina says

Meredith gets up the couch, and grabs the vodka and some shot glasses.

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