Chapter Thirty-One

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The only resident I was able to find was George, so he assists me in the O.R.

"It's worse than I thought." I mutter
"Apply suction." I demand
"I can't find the source." I frown
I continue looking, until I finally find it. I repair it, but as soon as I'm about to close, the stitch rips. Mrs. McDougal starts to go v-fib, George applies ore suction and I quickly fix the bleed. "I didn't think that'd work." George says
"Thanks for your optimism, George." I remark sarcastically
"N-no you're a great doctor and all, but she was bleeding at such a rapid rate and-"
"It's okay, no need to explain." I tell him, cutting him off. I close Mrs. McDougal up and scrub out.


I check the time, 8:30. There are a lot more people here, I begin walking to the E.R, when I am stopped.

"Hey, Mariah." Mark tuts, walking in front of me.
"Hey, Mark." I mumble
"I have a proposition for you." He says
"Um, okay. Explain." I shrug
"I take you on a date, whenever you want to eat. I show you a good time and  if you're satisfied, we become exclusive." Mark proposes
"That's a little bold, ain't it?" I question
"I'm confident." He smiles
"Okay, let's see how far confidence gets you." I smirk
"So is that a yes?" Mark inquires
Before I have a chance to answer, I am interrupted. "Mariah, you left this last night." Alex says, handing me a bag and leaves
"What's that?" Mark asks
"I don't know." I mutter
I open the bag and pull out a plastic bag, that contains cloth. Through examining the cloth further, I find out they are my underwear. I quickly stuff them back into the bag and look back at Mark.

"Why did Karev have your underwear?" He questions
"I slept at his house yesterday. Not with him! I didn't have a place to stay last night and he offered. I took a shower at his place and I guess I must've left my underwear there." I explain
"If you didn't have a place to stay, you could've stayed with me last night." Mark tells me
"I don't think that would've been the best thing." I frown
"Okay, anyways. You never responded to my proposal." He mutters
"Yes." I sigh
"Really?" Mark inquires
I nod, "I'll come find you after work then." He stammers
"Sounds good." I tut
"Bye, Mariah." Mark says
"Bye." I mutter, and head to the E.R.

"Hey, Mariah." Derek tuts walking alongside me, a man with him.
"Hey." I shrug
"Who's this?" I ask
"This is Dr. Kevin Chavez. He's a Neurosurgeon, he's new here." Derek smiles
"Oh nice to meet you. I'm Dr. Mariah Shepherd, Head of Trauma." I tell him, and stick out my hand.
"I know exactly who you are. You are an amazing surgeon. It's such an honor to meet you, I look forward to working with you." Kevin says, shaking my hand.
"Well I've got to go. But you guys go ahead and talk." Derek stammers, and begins leaving.
I glare at him and he smirks at me, "Can you show me to the attending's lounge?" Kevin questions
"Uh, s-sure." I stutter
I show him to the attending's lounge and get myself a coffee. "I know this is a little soon seeing as how we just met, but do you date coworkers?" He inquires
I freeze and turn around and face him, "Dating coworkers can get messy. Plus, I'm kind of seeing someone." I sigh

"It's fine. I'm not surprised someone as intelligent and beautiful as you is taken." He tells me
"Well, I need to go. I'll see you around." I mutter and exit the attending's lounge.

Hopefully this time I can get to the E.R without any distractions.

"What do we've got?" I ask Alex
"Amy Larson, 36. Accidentally severed off her finger while slicing some vegetables." Alex explains
"Okay we're going to need to take her to surgery immediately. Is the finger available?" I mutter
"It's right here, please save my finger." Amy says, handing me a bag filled with ice containing her severed finger.
"I'll try." I nod
"Let's get her to the O.R." I order
We get her to the O.R and I begin her surgery. "So how'd it go with Sloan?" Alex inquires
"Good, we have a date tonight." I reply
"You picked the worst timing to give me back my underwear though." I frown
"Let me guess, he thought we slept together?" He questions
"He didn't ask, but I know he probably did think that." I sigh
"What'd you say?" Alex asks
"That I didn't have a place to sleep at so I slept at yours." I shrug
"He was fine with it, I guess." I stammer
"I got hit on the new neurosurgeon too." I say
"There's a new neurosurgeon?" He inquires
"Yeah, some Kevin Chavez." I tell him
"Oh, what'd you do?" Alex questions
"Reject him, I'm going to be seeing Mark." I mutter
"Her finger looks good." I tut

Alex and I scrub out and leave the O.R.


"Hey, beautiful. You ready to go?" Mark smiles
"Yeah, let's go." I say
He leads me to his car, he opens the door for me and waits for me to get inside before closing the door and getting in himself.
"Such a gentleman." I remark
"Only the best for you." He winks and starts the car.
"Where do you feel like going?" Mark asks
"It doesn't matter, I'll let you choose." I shrug
"Alright." He tuts and starts driving.
"Anything particular you want to listen to?" Mark questions, turning in the radio.
"Not this.' I laugh, turning off the radio.
"What's wrong with jazz?" He frowns
"Well nothing, I just prefer my music not from the 1960's." I joke
"How old do you think I am?" Mark chuckles
"Apparently pretty old." I smirk

"Okay Mariah, what do you listen to then?" He inquires
"You and I have very different tastes in music." I remark
"What? Do you like that pop music crap?" Mark asks
"No, you'll see." I tut, grabbing his auxiliary cord and plugging my phone in.
I go to Spotify and load my playlist, I scroll through the songs and finally pick one. I end up picking "Whats the Difference" By Dr. Dre and Eminem

The music plays on Mark's radio and I begin rapping along. "What's the difference between me and you? What's the difference between me and you?Back when Cube was rollin' with Lorenzo in a Benzo I was bangin' with a gang of instrumentals." I rap

"Woah woah woah." Mark says, lowering down the volume.
"What?" I huff
"My girlfriend's a gangster?" He questions
"Okay just because I like rap music doesn't make me a gangster. Secondly, we are not official." I frown
"Not for long though." Mark smirks
I roll my eyes and finally Mark pulls up to a restaurant.

"Divinci's? How did you even get a reservation? They're always booked and super expensive." I remark
"I have my ways, I need to make tonight special for my girl." He winks
We head inside and Mark talks to the waitress. She guides us to our table and we sit down. The waitress then hands out menus to both of us and pulls out her notepad.

"What would you like to drink?" She inquires
"A bottle of your finest wine." Mark replies
"Okay, any appetizers?" The waitress asks
Mark looks at me and I shake my head. "No thank you." He tells her
"I'll be right out with your wine." She smiles and walks off
I scan menu for what I want to eat, but I could feel sense someone staring at me. I look up to see Mark admiringly looking at me.

"What?" I question
"I'm sorry, it's just that... You're stunning." Mark remarks
"I literally just have a plain shirt and jeans." I frown
"You could've gave me a little heads up by the way." I add
"It doesn't matter, you make it work." He smiles, touching my hand.
I smile anxiously and the waitress comes and hands up a bottle with two glasses. "Are you guys ready to order?" She questions
"Yes. I would like the steak, medium rare." Mark tells me
"And you ma'am?" The waitress asks
"I'll take a chicken alfredo." I nod and close my menu
"Very well. It'll be out soon." She says and leaves

"So, how was your day?" I inquire
"It was good. I was able to operate on a boy with a faulty cleft palate." He mutters
"Oh that's cool." I remark
"I think so. And you?" Mark smiles
"I had a couple patients, nothing major." I tut

We sit in silence until Mark breaks it, "Okay so I moved here only like a year ago. What happened with you during the other 7 years where I was absent in your life?" He asks
"Um, I don't really want to get into anything about New York. I mean, I left for a reason." I sigh
"How's your mom?" Mark questions
"One of the things I don't want to get into." I tell him
"Sorry." He frowns

"It's fine. We're on a date, let's have fun." I say, grabbing the glass and filling it with wine.

About 30 minutes later our food gets here, we eat and pay for it.


"So how was it?" Mark inquires, walking me to Meredith's door.
"Tonight was great, thank you Mark." I smile
"Does that mean what I think it means?" He smirks
I place my bag on the floor and kiss Mark. He places his hands on my face and eventually we pull away.

"I'm guessing that's a yes." Mark smiles
Yes." I tut, returning the smile.
He kisses me again and pulls away, "Goodnight Mariah. I'll see you tomorrow." He says
"Goodnight Mark." I tell him

Yeah I know I haven't posted in almost 3 weeks, but I've been busy. Anyways I hope you like it! Don't forget to comment & vote.


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