Chapter Thirty

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We get to Alex's apartment within 10 minutes. He opens the door and we both walk inside. "Dude your apartment is a mess." I remark

"I haven't got much time to clean." Alex shrugs
"You want a beer?" He questions, heading to the fridge.
"Um, sure." I mumble
Alex comes back with two beers and sits beside me on the couch. "So how bad  was Izzie's party?" Alex inquires
"It wasn't bad, it was just loud as fuck. There was a lot of people too. Mer is going to flip." I chuckle

"How was it being in Sloan's service for the day? Did you miss me?" I smirk
"It was okay. He never stopped talking about you though, it was getting kind of annoying." Alex frowns
"He was talking about me? What'd he say?" I ask, sipping my beer.
"He just kept on asking questions. Like if you ever talked about him or if you were seeing anyone. Stuff like that." He replies
"Sloan seems to really like you." Alex mutters

I ignore him and drink my beer, "I have work tomorrow. And I needa shower. Where's your restroom?" I sigh
"You can use mine. It's the first room you'll see." He informs me
"Thanks." I mumble
I get up and grab my bag, I head to Alex's room and into his restroom. I lock the door and begin to undress myself. I turn on the water and get inside.

"Mariah! I need to shower too!" Alex yells, banging on the door.
"Hold on, I'm getting dressed!" I exclaim
I finish putting on my clothes, gather my things and leave. "You take a long ass shower. My water bill is going to be expensive as fuck." He groans
"I don't know if you know this, but us residents don't get payed as much as you attendings." He remarks sarcastically.

"Quit your bitching. I'll pay your water bill." I say, rolling my eyes.
"Your room is across the hall if you want to sleep already." Alex tells me
"Thanks." I tut and walk out of Alex's room to his extra one.

I open the door and set my things on the floor. I close the door and walk over to the bed. I lay down and attempt to go to sleep.

For some reason, I suddenly just wake up. I try to go back to sleep but nothing works. I check the time, 4:32 am. I sigh and just decide to go to work.

I get ready and leave Alex's apartment as quiet as possible. I get outside the apartment building before I realize I left my car at the hospital. I groan and call for a taxi. Within minutes it is here, I open the door and get inside.

"Where to ma'am?" The taxi driver asks
"Seattle Grace Hospital." I reply

Once he pulls up to the hospital, I pay him and get out of the car. I head inside the hospital, to the attending's lounge. I get some scrubs and go change. After I do so, I go to the E.R.

The E.R is mostly dead, except for a couple of minor things. "Dr. Shepherd, I didn't expect to see you for a couple more hours." Dr. Webber says

"Yeah, well I couldn't sleep. Figured I might as well do something productive." I shrug
"Okay then." He nods and leaves.

"Doctor! We've got a incoming trauma!" A nurse announces
I grab a yellow trauma gown and run outside to meet the ambulances. "What do we've got?" I inquire
"Nancy McDougal, 38. Multiple crush injuries and possible internal bleeding." The medic informs me

"Get her to trauma room 5." I order
I follow them into the room and begin to assist. "Okay we need a ultrasound and a CT. If they is internal bleeding, that is the priority." I say

"She doesn't really have many external wounds except for some minor cuts and bruises, so prep her for the tests." I tell the intern
"Yes ma'am." She tuts and begins working
"Page me with the results." I mumble before leaving to assess  other patients.

It turns out there was only one other patient, who Dr. Webber was working on . "Need any help?" I question, pulling on some gloves.
"Yes. This man needs surgery. He has a splenic bleed and it needs to be operated on right now." Richard tells me, moving the bed into the hallway to an O.R. I follow him and we begin the surgery.

Halfway through, the intern comes in the room. "Dr. Shepherd, Mrs. McDougal's results came back." She sighs
"And?" I inquire
"She has a huge hernia in her abdomen." The intern informs me
"Shit." I mutter under my breath
"You've got this?" I ask Richard
"Of course I've got this, I've been doing it for 20 years." He frowns

I nod and walk out of the O.R. I scrub out and run to my patient. By the time I get there, she's coding. "I need a crash cart in here!" I exclaim
A crash cart comes in and I shock her. After a couple attempts, she finally becomes stable. "Okay we need to get her to an O.R fast." I say

We all push her bed to the closest O.R so I can operate.

I know it's short as fuck, but I've been busy and literally wrote it right now just to update for the week. I am so tired but I needed to update! Hope you like it, hopefully I'll update earlier this week. By the way I reached 7k reads! Thank you so much! Don't forget to comment and vote!


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