Chapter Thirteen

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I need sleep, i have been in back to back surgeries since 6pm, it is now 7am.

I open the door the the closest on call room.

I see Alex and that whore nurse, Olivia in the middle of having sex.

"Woah! Sorry!" I exclaim, walking out of the room and to another room.


"You seriously need to stop screwing nurses." I tell Alex as he walks up next to me.

"So are you my mother, now?" He asks annoyed

"I'm surprised your dick hasn't fallen off from all the STD's you have." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Well if you are jealous, i can screw you instead." Alex smirks

"In your dreams." I mumble, stepping into the elevator

I push the button to go back to the E.R and wait.

"Dr. Shepherd, i was looking for you." Meredith says as i walk out of the elevator

"Yes, Dr. Grey?" I ask

"I was wondering if i could change attendings for a couple of days." Meredith mumbles

"Did i do something wrong?" I frown

"No, its just that i think i need a change." She explains

"So who are you planning on leaving me with for the next couple of days?" I sigh

"Alex." She smiles

"Really?" I groan

"Please? Derek and I are trying to get things back in order." She pleads

"You owe me big time for this, Derek too. Alex is a pain in the ass." I roll my eyes

"Watch it Dr. Sexy, i think you just broke my heart." Alex says, coming from in back of me

"Thank you!" Meredith exclaims before leaving

"I thought you were over the whole, "Dr. Sexy" thing?" I question, heading to the nurses station.

"Well I'll stop if you want, " Alex starts

"Okay, thank you." I shrug

"If you let me scrub in on your amputation today." Alex smirks

"Really? Whatever okay." I tell him

"We're friends now Alex, friends don't screw other friends. So fuck off." I mumble

"What if i don't want to be your friend?" Alex asks, just to piss me off

"Well then i won't care." I remark and head to the OR.


"I need the bone saw." I order impatiently

Bokhee hands me the bone saw and i saw off my patients leg, slowly

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