Chapter Eighteen

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"What the hell are you doing here?" Derek asks me angrily

"Chill the fuck out, I just came to drink." I respond annoyed

"What did I tell you about coming here? Derek questions

"I don't give a shit Derek, I'm 22 fucking years old. I can handle myself." I reply

Callie awkwardly sits in the corner and drinks silently.

"Really? You can handle yourself? Then why did Mark have to tell the girl to fuck off and leave?" He inquires

"What are you talking about? Mark didn't do anything. He literally just kicked her out after she took a swing at me and missed." I say, correcting him.

"Who cares Mariah, you could have gotten hurt. We'll talk about it more in the car, come on." Derek tells me, grabbing my arm.

I smack his hand off of me, "No. I'm sick of you treating me like a little kid. I told you i can take care of myself. Now leave me the fuck alone and leave." I spit

"Get in the car now, Mariah." Derek says through gritted teeth

"You're not my dad." I mumble and ignore him

"Yeah, but just imagine if dad could see how you've turned out, he'd be so disappointed." He mutters

"What did you just say?" I ask

"Mariah-" Derek starts to say

"Screw you, man." I tut, cutting him off. I grab my things and push past him, leaving Mark's apartment.


Derek is such a prick. Why the hell would he bring that up? After I left the party, I decided just to call it a night and head back to Mer's, but the hospital thought otherwise.

So here I am, at midnight backed up in the E.R. I've been trying to do anything possible to keep what Derek said out of my head, but the words keep on echoing.

My dad and I were close when I was little. I always admired him, he was my inspiration to become a surgeon. He was my biggest motivator and really believed in me. The day he died we were in his store Derek, Amelia and I.

Derek was about 15, Amelia 9, and me 5. We were just there, having a good time, when these two guys showed up. They went up to my dad, and try to take his watch. But that watch, was a treasured gift from my mom so he didn't. The guys didn't take no for a answer and shot my dad. Right in front of us.

That day fucked me up for the longest time. Amelia and I were scared of loud noises for the longest time, and Derek would try to protect us every chance he got.

That's why it hurt so much when he said that. Derek knew how much my dad meant to me, yet he'd say some stupid shit like that.

I currently am signing some release papers on the third patient I've seen tonight. "Hey, Dr. Shepherd." George says

"You have night shift tonight, George?" I question

"Yeah, i needed a day off next week so i changed my shift." He explains

"Oh okay, well have fun." I laugh

"It's not so bad actually, I mean its less chaotic." He shrugs

"Hm, I guess you're right. Well, bye George." I tut

"Bye, Dr. Shepherd." George says, and leaves in the opposite direction.

I decide to see one more patient before I go home, since I'm tired and feel like shit.

I grab a chart from the nurse's station and head over to the patients room.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Shepherd." I yawn

The patient, a young girl with her mom.

"Wendy Bryan, age 6. Complaints of abdominal pain, vomiting and fever." I say

"Well ma'am it seems to me like she has some sorta stomach virus." I shrug

"Wendy has been in a lot of pain. Is there anything you can give her." Wendy's mom asks

"I mean I can give her some Tylenol, or something but that's really it. She's gonna to have to wait it out." I frown

"I'll write you a prescription, and have a resident discharge you." I tell Wendy's mom, and leave the area.

"Mariah." I hear someone call out

I look around to see Mark, looking for me.

"Over here, Mark." I sigh
Mark sees me and makes his way over, "I heard what happened." Mark mutters

"We don't need to get into this, I'm working. You're probably drunk. It's best just to leave it alone." I mumble

"I'm pretty sure you can give up a moment of your time Mariah." Mark says

"I need to write a prescription for a little girl so she can leave, it can wait." I insist

"O'Malley! Come here!" Mark yells
George stops in his tracks and comes rushing over.

Mark takes the papers from my hands and gives them to George. "Prescribe the patient her meds and discharge her." Mark orders

George nods and scurries off to fulfil his duties. Mark looks back at me, "Now you are all free." He smiles

He grabs me by the arm and basically drags me outside. We sit on the bench, "Derek is a real ass sometimes." Mark starts

"I've know him my whole life, I think I know that already." I huff

"Look at me, Mariah. What Derek said, was not true, in the least way what so ever. You are brilliant. If your dad could see you now, he'd be so proud. I mean come on, how many surgeons specialize in all fields of surgery and win 4 Harper Avery's by the age of 22?" Mark says

"Thank you Mark, but it doesn't matter. Derek has always been there for me, I've looked up to him. We've been through a lot, and for him to say that really pisses me off." I sigh

"He was mad, Mariah. You're little Shepherd, his little sister. He doesn't want anything bad to happen to you. I'm pretty sure he didn't mean anything he said." Mark reassures

"I don't know, but all I know is I'm still mad at him." I chuckle slightly

"You Shepherds are impossible." Mark smiles

"You're just jealous." I joke

"Well I got to get back to work. See you, Mark." I tell him, getting up.

"Okay, see you later." He says, but stays sitting down.

I walk back inside the hospital and finish everything up so I can head back home.

Today has been a shitty day.


Author's Note: Thank you guys for 500 reads, i know its not a lot but i didn't expect a lot from this book. You guys have driven me to write more and inspire me to write better. Once again thank you, also don't forget to comment and vote! - ·A

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