Chapter Fifty

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"So, how did the date with blondie go last night?" I ask
"It wasn't a date." Alex mutters
"Yeah, unfortunately for you." I chuckle

"You've been all over her for months, just do it." I groan
"It's not that simple." He tuts
"Of course it is, look watch." I tease, getting up as Izzie passes.
"Stop." Alex huffs, pulling me down.

"I'm sorry not all of us could be you and Mark. Now that's the perfect relationship. I'd love to keep it all a secret." He remarks sarcastically
"Don't be bitter because you're miserable." I chuckle
"When are you going to do that anyways?" Alex asks

"I was planning to do it at the Thanksgiving dinner tonight, but I don't know." I shrug
"Pussy." He smirks
"Oh shut up, Karev." I mumble, throwing him a fry.

"You told Mark you loved him, right?" Alex inquires
"Well, yeah." I reply
"And don't you want to take your relationship to the next level?" He questions
"Like matching T-shirts?" I joke

Alex gives me a look, "You know that is not what I mean." Alex sighs
"Why do you care?" I inquire
"Because you're my best friend and I want you to be happy." He nods
"Ugh, I love you. But maybe later." I tut, getting up and hugging him from behind.

"You going to Mer's?" I ask
"Probably, I don't know." Alex shrugs
"You're going, even if I have to drag you there myself." I say
"I don't have a ride, I came with Mer and she left." He mutters

"Then it's settled, you ride with me." I nod
"You taking Sloan?" Alex questions
"Yeah, he kind of drove me." I chuckle
"Gross, I don't need to third wheel." He groans

"You're not third wheeling. If anything, Mark is." I joke
"Look, I want you to be there. It's just a short car ride. You can be civilized, right?" I inquire
"Yes." Alex grumbles
"Good." I smile

My pager goes off, "I'll see you later." I nod
"Mhmm." He hums, continuing to eat his lunch

I walk out of the cafeteria and head off to go tend to my patient.

"You ready to go?" Mark asks, throwing his arm over my shoulder.
"Yeah, I just got to wait for Alex." I reply
"Karev is riding with us?" He questions

"Is that a problem?" I inquire, looking up at him
"Not at all." Mark tuts

Alex appears after a while, "Finally, you were taking forever." I groan
"I had to finish your brother's post ops." He shrugs
"Whatever, let's just go." I mutter, walking to the car.

We all get in the car, Mark in the driver's seat, Alex in the back and me in the passenger's seat.

Mark begins to drive, "So, how's everything with you, Karev?" Mark asks, which completely surprises me.

I look at Alex, who is clearly as surprised as I am. "Everything is fine." He replies
"Did you have plans for Thanksgiving? Like a family dinner? Or did Mariah drag you over here?" Mark questions

I shoot Mark a look, "Um, no. I don't really celebrate Thanksgiving." Alex shrugs
"Oh, that's too bad." Mark tuts
Alex doesn't say anything and I let out a sigh

What is supposed to be a short car ride feels like an eternity. Finally, Mer's house pulls into view. We all get down and head to the door.

Alex knocks on the door, "You have something on your face." I tell Alex
"Where?" He asks
"I got it." I nod, wiping it off.

At that moment Izzie opens up the door, "Oh, hey." I mutter, removing my hands from Alex's face.
"Hey." She tuts, eyeing Alex and
I suspiciously.

"Well, you going to let us in, Stevens?" Mark inquires
"Sorry, come in." Izzie says, letting us through.

We put our coats up and head to the kitchen, where everyone seems to be at. Alex disappears upstairs, "Mariah!" Derek smiles
"Hey, Derek." I chuckle, hugging him.
"You know you're late, right?" He inquires

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