Chapter Thirty-Six

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I finally come to and take in everything around me. There's people everywhere, injured or dead. I examine myself for injuries, I have a head lac and a sprained ankle as far as I can tell.

I get up and begin searching for Meredith and Callie. "Mer'! Callie!" I call out, limping around.
I find Callie laying by some chairs, I rush toward her and check for a pulse. Fortunately, she still has one but she looks pretty bad. I continue looking for Meredith, I end up finding her a couple of feet from the bar.

There is blood seeping from her head, I rush to her side and feel for a pulse. Unlike Callie, Meredith barely has a pulse. "No no no." I mutter
I examine the rest of her body and she seems okay except for some lacerations.

I begin doing compressions, "Come on Mer'." I whisper
After a while the emergency services arrive, assisting everyone. I continue the compressions until a medic interferes. "Ma'am, let me help you." He says
"I'm a doctor, I need to help this woman." I stammer

"You're bleeding." The medic informs me. I look down to see my dress covered in blood. "I'm fine. We need to get her to the hospital now! She needs proper medical attention!" I exclaim
The medic nods and loads Meredith on a gurney with the help of his partner. I get on top and continue the compressions, determined to keep Meredith alive. I see Callie getting transported as well, making me less uneasy.

"I need you to take her to Seattle Grace, I work there and I can help her." I tell the medics
"We are going to Seattle Grace, Seattle Pres is full." He replies
"You need a break?" The medic asks
"No, I'm fine." I assure him

Mark's POV
I finish with my patient so I decide to go get some coffee from the attending's lounge. I begin walking over there when something catches my attention. Derek, Richard and Dr. Bailey huddled by the T.V, looks of worry on their faces.

"What's wrong?" I question, walking towards them.
"Look." Derek tells me, pointing to the screen
"65 people dead, 100+ injured after bombing of downtown Seattle club." The woman on screen says
"Only a half hour ago these people were having fun at this club, Club Fuego, when a bomb was detonated. First response has shown up and are transporting people to recieve medical attention." She adds
I freeze, reluctantly I grab my phone and check the text from Mariah. "No no no." I mutter
"Damn it!" I exclaim, throwing my phone on the floor
All of then look at me weird but continue to talk.

"Page Dr. Shepherd and anybody else available, we are going to be packed." Dr. Webber demands
"Dr. Shepherd can't come in." I reply, pinching the bridge of my nose.
"And why is that? We need her help." Derek asks
"Derek, she was at that club. Her, Torres and Grey." I sigh
Derek's face falls completely, "T-that can't be right." He stutters

"They went for a night out or whatever, I didn't remember what club. But I checked and that was the club they went to." I mumble
"Oh my gosh."Dr. Bailey whispers
"My sister's dead." Derek mutters, looking at the floor.
"Hey, don't say that. She may very well still be alive." I tell him, really trying to convince myself than him
"My sister and my girlfriend, dead." He laughs hysterically

Mariah can't be dead, she has to be okay.

"Derek, we've got to have hope. Mariah wouldn't want you to give up hope Meredith neither." I say, placing a hand on his back
"How do you even know that Mark?" Derek scoffs
"I've know Mariah her whole life and she is strong, she'll make it through, she has to." I sigh

"Incoming ambulances! You guys know the drill!" Dr. Webbed announces
"Come on man, she should be coming." I tell him

I can't believe this is happening...

Derek and I put on the yellow trauma gowns and some gloves and rush to meet the ambulances outside. "Has anyone seen Mariah?!" I yell

Everyone shakes their heads, "Dammit." I sigh
I begin checking around all the ambulances, Mariah nowhere to be found. "Sloan! We need you!" Dr. Bailey exclaims
"I need to find Mariah." I tell her
"They're looking for her, she'll be fine. This patient needs your help now." Bailey says
Reluctantly, I run over to help Dr. Bailey, while my girlfriend is nowhere to be found.

Mariah's POV

We get to the hospital faster than I expected, the medics load Meredith off the rig. I continue compressions as they rush her inside. "I need a head CT immediately and book and O.R, she needs surgery!" I demand to no one in particular

"Mariah?!" Derek exclaims, running towards me
"I'm so glad that you're okay." He tells me
"That's great, you mind helping here?" I question

His eyes widen when he figures out I'm working on Meredith. "I-i s she dead?" He stutters
"No, but she will be if you don't help me. I need to operate on her, she recieved head trauma." I tell him
"Mariah, you can't possibly operate. Look at you, you're covered in blood and soon your adrenaline is going to run out." Derek says

"I'm fine. Roll me to radiology." I order
"Mariah." He groans
"Now Derek! I'm trying to save her!" I exclaim
Derek sighs and rolls me to radiology so that we could determine the extent of her injuries.

Derek pulls the CT up, we both examine it. "She has a huge bleed, I can fix it, but it has to be right now. Make sure an O.R is booked, I'm on my way." I demand
"Fuck." I mutter, the pain from my ankle becoming close to unbearable
"Are you okay?" Derek questions
"I'm fine Derek, but I'll be better when Meredith is stable and out of danger." I sigh

We pass the packed E.R, Derek monitoring me as we run. "We're almost there, come on, faster!" I yell

I begin feeling weaker, every movement I make, becoming more dragged. I look up at Derek and then fall to the floor where everything fades.

Derek's POV
Mariah looks at me wearily, before I know it she's on the ground. "Damn it." I mumble
"Hey, you! Page Dr. Karev and tell him to assist Dr. Shepherd here!" I order the nearby nurse
"Right away, sir." She nods

I rush Meredith to the O.R quickly, time was running out.

Mark's POV
I finish with the patient from Bailey, before I head on to the next, I search for Mariah.

I look almost everywhere, the longer I find nothing, the more I lose hope. Mariah and I had just started being together, and now I lost her.

I pace back and forth until I see something that might be helpful, Alex. "Karev!" I exclaim
"What?" He groans
"H-have you seen Mariah? I can't find her and I really don't want her to be dead, but I don't see her anywhere and-"
"Dude, you're a mess. Mariah is here. She's alive, but barely. She passed out taking Meredith to surgery and Derek had me go tend to her." Alex tells me

"She's here?! Where?" I question
"Come on." He sighs
Alex leads me to a room in the corner. He opens the door and moves to the side. I walk to the side of the bed and examine Mariah.

"What happened there?" I ask
"She had a huge cut, we had to give her stitches." Alex shrugs
"Is she okay? Like is there anything really wrong?" I inquire

"I was told her ankle was pretty fucked up, but I can't run the x-ray while she's unconcious. Mariah has a few cuts and a head lac, as far as I can tell she will be fine." He informs me

I sit on the chair next to Mariah's bed, I hold her hand and sigh. "You really care for her, don't you?" Alex questions
"She's been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, she means a lot to me." I reply
"She likes you, a lot. Mariah doesn't like a lot of people, but she seems to like you." He tells me

"I hope she's going to get through this." I say
"Mariah is strong, I know she can." He mutters
"I got to go, I'll check in on her later." Alex tuts

I nod and sink into my chair, praying that Mariah pulls through just fine.

It's literally almost 5 am and I'm updating. I am so tired, but I was determined to update today. Guys, honestly thank you so much for all the love and support it really means a lot to me. Last week was the 1 year anniversary of Little Shepherd and I find that so unbelievable. Over the past year I was able to achieve more than I thought possible and it's all thanks to you guys. Also I entered the Watty's this year, because why not? Anyways, I hope you enjoy this crappy chapter, I'm going to sleep. Don't forget to comment and vote! -A

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