Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I decide to go check on my post op patient, Mr. Diaz. I pass all the guards that look at me cautiously and make my way into his room. Surprisingly, he's awake. "Where's my wife?" He groggily asks

"Sir, you didn't come in with anyone." I explain
"No, my wife was here." Joshua frowns
"I can assure you Mr. Diaz, no one was her except for maybe some nurses and myself." I say
"She was here!" He yells
"You need to calm down, you just had surgery and you could strain your body." I tell him

"I will, when you get me my damn wife!" Joshua exclaims
"Sir, if you don't calm down, I'm afraid I'm going to have to sedate you." I warn
"Debora!" He screams
"You have left me no choice. I'm going to send the nurses in to sedate you." I sigh
"No! I have rights!" Joshua remarks
"Yeah, I have to follow protocol." I tut

"I'm going to sue your ass." He spits
"Do it. I'm doing my job." I shrug
"As soon as I get out of here, I'm taking you to court." Joshua says
"I'll be waiting eagerly until then." I mumble, rolling my eyes. I walk out of the room and order the nurses to sedate him. I guess during the surgery it may have changed his personality a bit because he wasn't like this.

I walk out the corridor and to the E.R. Richard finds and comes up to me, "Mariah, how did the surgery go?" He inquires
"It was successful, I was able to remove all his tumor. The only problem is there was some alterations in his personality." I explain

"Oh, okay. As long as he's not dead." Richard shrugs
"I had to sedate him though, he was getting all riled up." I frown
"Wow. But I guess, you got to do what you got to do." He mutters
"Yeah, well I'm going to head home." I sigh
"Okay, but I need you here tomorrow. We're starting to get more packed." Richard tells me

"All right, bye." I tut
"Bye Dr. Shepherd." He says and I walk off

When I get to Mer's, the house is full of people. Oh shit." I mutter
"Mariah!" Izzie exclaims

"What the hell happened here?" I question
"Izzie threw a party." Cristina says
"Does Meredith know?" I ask
"Nope!" Cristina laughs, obviously drunk.
I sigh and head to my room to change, migh as well enjoy this.
I change into some jeans and a crop top type of shirt. I look at myself in the mirror and groan. I fix my hair and apply light makeup. Soon after I head downstairs to find some alcohol. There is so many people here, Meredith is going to freak out. I am finally able to find the alcohol, on a table by the living room. I grab a cup and pour some vodka, I look around for someone I know but I can't find anyone.

"You're Mariah Shepherd right?" A voice asks from behind me
I turn around and see a man. A pretty attractive man at that. "Yes, and you are?" I question

"Nathan Wheeler, head of cardio at Seattle Pres." He explains, and holds out his hand for me to shake. I shake his hand and take a sip of my drink, "Well idealy this isn't how I wanted to be viewed, but oh well." I shrug
"You look great." Nathan smiles

"Thanks." I mutter
"You work at Seattle Grace right?" He questions
"Yeah, I'm the head of the trauma department there." I nod
"Oh so you're the doctor stealing all our patients." Nathan smirks
"I don't steal patients." I frown

"Our hospital now is certified as a level 1 trauma center, I think we earn the patients we receive." I say
"You're a brilliant doctor, I am sure you do." He smiles
"Okay, well I'm going to go find my friends. It was nice to meet you." I tell him, putting on a fake smile.
"You have to go so soon?" Nathan pouts
"Yeah." I sigh

"Well are you seeing anyone?" He inquires
"Not really." I mumble
"Would it be too upfront for me to ask for your number then?" Nathan questions
"I don't know, I'm not really looking for a relationship right now." I stammer

"Oh. Well here's my number in case you change your mind." He tells me and hands me a buisness card
"You carry buisness cards with you to parties?" I laugh
"Yeah, you never know." Nathan shrugs
"Mariah!" Cristina yells
"I got to go." I sigh
"Hopefully I'll see you again." He tuts
"Maybe." I mutter and walk off to go see what Cristina wants

"What?" I ask as I approach her
"Come dance with meee!" She slurs
"Yeah! Come on Mariah!" Izzie squeals
"You guys are wasted." I chuckle
"No we're not." They say in unison

"Dance with us!" Izzie begs
"Fine." I groan
I put my drink on the table next to Cristina and attempt to dance. When I say attempt to dance, I mean attempt to dance. I sway my body and mimic Cristina's moves. She ends up falling and we both laugh. I help her up and she ends up spilling her drink on me. "Cristina! What the hell?" I exclaim

"Sorry!" She slurs
I place my cup on the table and push past all the people to get to my room. I rid my self of the booze soaked clothes and change into some new ones. I have work tomorrow so I can't really drink anymore and I can't possibly try to sleep here, it's loud as fuck.

I grab some things and head back downstairs and get into my car. I decide to go back to the hospital, seeing as how I didn't really have an alternative solution.

"Mariah? I thought you went home?" Alex questions
"Your girlfriend is throwing a party at Mer's house. It's too loud there and I am tired."  I say
"You want to sleep at my place?" He asks
"Really?" I inquire
"Yeah. You can crash in my extra room. I'm heading there right now actually." Alex shrugs
"Aw, Alex. You're the best." I smile
"I know, you don't need to tell me." He smirks

"Whatever. I'm only saying because you're letting me sleep at your place." I joke
"Give me like ten minutes, I need to finish Sloan's post ops." Alex tells me
"Why Sloan's post ops?" I question
"Bailey gave me to him for the day since you were with the V.I.P patient." He replies
"Oh okay." I tut
"I'll be back." Alex mumbles
I nod and Alex leaves. I sit on a chair in the waiting room arms wait for him to come back. "Dr. Shepherd!" I hear someone call out

I turn around and see Lexie Grey. I get up and she approaches me, "Yeah?" I ask
"The patient in 345 is coding! Dr. Bailey is in surgery and I don't know what to do!" She yells

"Fuck." I mutter under my breath
I rush to the room, "I need a crash cart in here!" I exclaim
Within seconds, a crash cart is in my presence. I get the paddles, "Charge to 200." I order

"Charge 200 again." I demand
"Charge 250."

After a couple more times of attempting, I have to call it. "Time of death 23:56." I sigh

I look over to Lexie and she looks shocked. "How long was he v-fib?" I question
"T-Two minutes. I-I tried CPR." She stutters
"Your mediocrity killed this man, now go inform the family." I tell her, she nods and walks away.
I sigh and head back to the waiting room, where Alex is waiting. "Where were you?" Alex questions
"It's not important. Let's go." I mutter

I am so sorry that I have not updated in 3 weeks! There were many factors that contributed to my absence, but don't worry I will be updating weekly! I also might update again later.. Who knows? Any way, hope you like it. Don't forget to vote and comment! -A

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