Chapter Seventeen

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"Mariah!" I hear Mark yell, as I'm walking out the hospital

I turn around and see Mark chasing after me. "What, Mark?" I question as he catches up.

"Are you coming to my party?" He inquires

"Um, I'm sorry. I can't." I frown

"What, why?" Mark asks

"Something came up." I lie

"Something that is more important than me?" He laughs

"Well, if we were naming things more important than you, we'd be here forever." I joke

"I am hurt." He says, putting a hand to his heart.

"Then my job here is done." I reply, and start walking away.

"I'm serious, why don't you come? It'll be fun." Mark whines

"I can't, just drop it." I sigh

"I'll let you scrub in on my surgery tomorrow, it's a facial reconstruction on a woman with burn wounds?" Mark offers

"Fine. But only because I have nothing to do right now." I reply

"I thought something came up?" He questions, catching me in my lie.

"Oh shut up, do you want me to come or not?" I frown

"Yes, I'll see you there." He tuts

I nod and walk away, heading to my car.


When i show up to Mark's, he opens up the door.

"I didn't think you'd actually show." He smiles

"Well, I'm here. Now, i need alcohol, where would that be?" I ask

"Over there." Mark replies, pointing to a small table full of cups and bottles

"Thanks." I tut and walk over to the table.

I grab a red cup and pour some vodka inside, not too long after a woman approaches me.
"Hi, I'm Karly. With a K." The lady greets

"Hey, Karly with a K. I'm Mariah, with a M." I mumble sarcastically, a little annoyed by her enthusiasm

"So are you and Mark like a thing?" She questions

"Excuse me?" I frown
"You and Mark, are you together?" She inquires

"No." I reply, and drink from my cup.
"He's sexy isn't he?" Karly questions, looking Mark up and down

"He sure is something, sexy isn't the word I'd use." I say

"How do you know Mark?" I ask her
"We met in a bar." She smiles

"How romantic." I remark sarcastically and drink some more.

"How about you, how do you know Mark?" The woman asks

"Well, he's my brother's best friend. And we work together at the hospital." I tut

"Oh, that's nice." She mutters
"So are you like Mark's whore or what?" I ask

"What?" She questions in disbelief
"Are you Mark's whore? You guys obviously aren't exclusive, and you met in a bar." I explain

"You're such a bitch. No wonder you guys aren't a thing." She spits

"Look sweetie, Mark and I aren't a thing because i chose not to. So don't get your fucking panties in a twist." I snap

She rolls her eyes, "Whatever, you're ugly anyways." She scoffs

"Aw, you're right! Can you give me the number to your plastic surgeon, maybe they can make me look like a slut too." I mutter

"You bitch!" She yells, getting everyone elses attention

"Is that the only word you fucking know?" I question annoyed

She takes a swing at me, and pathetically misses and falls on the floor. Mark comes over to our direction.

"What the hell?" Mark questions
"She's such a bitch, Mark. Tell her something." Karly whines
"I meant you. What the hell were you about to do to Mariah?" He asks angrily

"Get out, now." He demands

"But Mark." She says
"Now." He orders, glaring at her.

Karly leaves and Mark turns attention back to me. "You okay?" He inquires

"Yeah, I'm fine. Nothing happened." I shrug, and take a sip from my drink.

"Oh okay." Mark mumbles and walks away

I decide not to converse with other people and just stay in the corner of Mark's kitchen and drink his alcohol.

"So you're just going to sit here and drink by yourself? That's no fun." A voice tells me

I look up and i see Callie, the orthopedic resident from yesterday.
"Mariah, right?" She asks

"Yeah." I reply
"Well, I don't think anyone should drink alone. So I'll keep you company." Callie smiles

"Thanks, but its fine. You don't need to pity me." I stammer
"I insist, and its not pity though." She reassures me

"So, i don't really know much about anybody here. Tell me about yourself. You know besides being one of the best and youngest surgeons in the whole world." Callie says

"Well, i was born and raised in New York. I have 5 sisters and a brother, which you probably met, he works at the hospital too. Oh, and i am not a very social person as you can see." I inform

"I'm the exact opposite. I am very social." Callie mutters

"I figured. I mean you came to talk to me." I laugh

"We work together, i see no reason as to why we can't hang out and drink together." She frowns

"Usually residents don't hang out with attendings. Well, that's not true, most my friends are residents." I explain

"I haven't talked to anyone so far, well besides you, Bailey and Richard. But that's mostly because I'm busy most of the time." She tuts

"Well everyone is nice. Except for Alex, he'll hit on you and try to sleep with you, don't do that. And Cristina, she's a little, i guess sassy. But overall she's a good person." I stammer

"That's good to know." Callie sighs

My phone rings out of nowhere, the person calling is Derek.

"Shit!" i mutter under my breath

"What's wrong?" Callie asks
"My brother's calling me. I told him i wasn't coming to Mark's party. If he finds out he'll hate me." I explain

"Oh well, fuck it i guess." I shrug , take a shot and answer the phone.

"Hello?" I ask
"Hey, Mariah." Derek greets
"Yeah, hey. What do you want?" I question
"Damn, chill out. I was wondering if you'd like to eat dinner with me and some of the other attendings." Derek says

"I'm busy, I'm sorry." I lie
"Really, because i see you right now." He replies

I turn around and see Derek, glaring at me.

This isn't going to end well...

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