Chapter Thirty-Five

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After I diagnose Mark's patient, I head back to the nurse's station. "Mariah!" Callie exclaims, walking over to me
"Hey, Callie." I tut
"I haven't seen you like in forever." She smiles
"I've been busy." I shrug

"Well I missed you, I need some girl time. We can have a girl's night!" Callie says
"I don't know, Callie." I mumble
"Come on, it'll be fun. We can go to the club downtown, get wasted and hit on by hot guys." She smirks, wiggling her eyebrows

"What about George?" I frown
"We broke up last week." Callie mutters
"Oh, I'm sorry." I say
"It's fine, it was a mutual decision." She shrugs
"Anyways, are you up for it?" Callie inquires

"Okay, fine." I sigh
"Great! I'll come find you after work." She tells me
I nod, "Well I have patients to see, bye Mariah." Callie stammers
"Bye." I tut, grabbing a chart.

But before I can do anything, "Incoming Trauma!" Dr. Bailey exclaims. I grab the yellow trauma gown, pull on my gloves and rush to the pit.

Three ambulances rush to the doors, I get the second one, Bailey the first and Derek the third. The paramedic opens the door to the rig, "Maria Valdez, 27 years old. There was a explosion in her kitchen, she has blunt head trauma with possible bleed. Her stomach is tender, most likely abdominal bleed, and she's crashed 3 times since we got her." He says

"Get her into trauma 5." I order
Once she's in the room, we are able to confirm she had a small brain bleed, a huge abdominal bleed and a tamponade "I'm going to need Webber." I tell the nurse
"I'll page him." She nods

As I am getting ready the transport her, Dr. Webber comes. "You paged?" He questions
"I need your help in the O.R. I need you to repair her adominal bleed, while I focus on her tamponade." I say
"I almost forgot, page the other Dr. Shepherd and tell him to meet me in O.R 3." I tell a nurse
"Yes ma'am." She mumbles

Richard and I rush Maria to the O.R, hoping that it's not too late.


As we are operating, Derek comes in. "What can I do?" Derek ask
"She's got a brain bleed, it's not to the point where she is going to die, but it has been significantly increasing. I need you to monitor her brain and operate if necessary." I explain
"Got it." He nods

All of a sudden, Maria begins to crash. "Fuck, get me the internal paddles." I demand

"Charge to 150." I say
Still nothing.
"200 again!"

"Mariah, her bleed got bigger. There's no way I can fix it in time." Derek sighs
"Damn it!" I exclaim
"You need to try, Derek. I can't let her die without atleast fighting." I tell him

"Dr. Shepherd, she's too far gone." Dr. Webber mutters
"I refuse to accept failure." I snap
"Page cardio." I demand a nurse
He nods and rushes to page cardio

"What are you doing?" Derek inquires
"Not giving up." I huff
I resort to bypass temporarily, as I wait for cardio to take over.
"Bokhee, scalpel." I say
She hands me a scalpel and I make an incison, I then proceed to fix the bleed. There is a lot of blood, I get suction to try and clear everything up so I can find the source.

"Mariah, she's a lost cause." Derek sighs
"I don't need your bullshit." I scoff
I stitch up the source, she finally goes stable.  I look at Derek and Richard, "I can't believe you guys gave up on her." I huff, rolling my eyes and tending back to her heart.
"Mariah, you had no right to do that." He tells me
"Get the hell out of my O.R, you're not needed." I snap
Derek looks at me, and hesitates before leaving

After 3 more hours, I finish my surgery with Richard. I head to the attending's lounge and sink into the couch. I close my eyes and sigh. "Rough day?" I hear someone ask
I open my eyes to see Kevin, smiling at me.

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