Chapter Nine

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I go to my room and shower, and then get dressed.

I head back downstairs and get in my car, i pick up my phone and call Addison. She picks up after the second ring

"Hello?" she answers

"Addison, where are you?" i question

"I'm at my hotel." she replies

"Give me the address we need to talk. " I demand

"I'll text it to you." she tells me and i hang up

A couple seconds later my screen lights up and i get the address

I'm in there within ten minutes. I ride the elevator up and go to her room.

Room 467, i knock on the door and she answers

"You got here fast." she remarks

"We need to talk." i say

"Now's not the best ti-" she is cut off by Mark coming out of her shower.

"Well, this is awkward." Mark tuts

"Really Addison? Not even a week after Mark comes you're already sleeping with him?" i ask

"Mariah. Can we talk somewhere else?" Addison questions

"No. You do know my brother actually loved you. I don't know why, or how but he did. And then you fuck him over, you and Mark both. I shouldn't even be so surprised right? Once a whore, always a whore." l spit, slamming the door.

I go in my car and drive back home, i don't know why i expected her to change.


I just got out of surgery with Derek, i was performing a craniotomy and asked Derek if he wanted to scrub in.

Derek and I are by the nurses station, talking about a new surgical procedure being studied, when Mark and Richard walk up to us, Mark with a Seattle Grace white coat.

"Why are you wearing that?" I ask

"I work here." he replies

"You hired this jackass?" Derek questioned Dr. Webber in disbelief

"Yes. He may be a jackass, but he is a talented plastic surgeon." Dr. Webber replies

"Wow, you hire my adulterous wife, and my ex best friend that she cheated on me with. You're unbelievable." Derek scoffs

"Derek, step in my office, now." Richard demands

Derek and Dr. Webber go to his office, leaving Mark and I alone.

"Can i talk to you?" Mark asks

"I don't want to talk to you." I tell him, and start walking away.

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