Chapter Two

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I run to Katie's room where some of the nurses are intubating her.

"What happened?" i exclaim

"She started to seize again." one of the nurses explains

"She's not my patient anymore." i say

"They said to page Dr. Shepherd." she replies

"Derek Shepherd, not me. Oh well, its fine." i groan

"Push two milligrams Lorazepam." i order

"I just gave the second dose." she informs me

"Load her with phenobarbital." i tell the panicking nurse
"Pheno's in, no change." she says

"What do we do?!" she exclaimed
"Heart's stopped, Code Blue!" she yells

"Get the crash cart!" i say
"Charge the pads to 200." i tell them

Still v- fib.

"Charge to 300." i say
"Come on Katie." i whisper to myself

"Charge again!" i yell

"Page Doctor Shepherd, this is his patient!" i say. Why isn't he here?

Katie's sinus rhythm started to pick back up, as did her blood pressure.

As soon as that happens my brother walks in.

"Where the hell were you?" i ask irritated

"I was at lunch." he says simply

I roll my eyes and step out of the room.

I need some sleep, i go to a on call room and attempt to.

But then i get interrupted by my pager.

I groan as i look at it.

It was Dr. Bailey. I made my way out of the on call room and went to go find Dr. Bailey.

"Yes Dr. Bailey?" i yawn as i walk up to her

"You have residents, today you've got Alex Karev, Meredith Grey, Izzie Stevens and George O'Malley." she replies

"Okay, thank you." i say as i try to pull on a smile

"Karev, Grey, Stevens and O'Malley, you've got me today. Come on, let's go. We've got a incoming trauma." i yell as i make my way to the ambulances

"Are you the surgeon?" a paramedic asks me

"Yeah." i reply

"We've got a rape victim, better get in there." she says

"25-year-old female found down at the park. Status: post-trauma. She came in with a GCS of six. BP: 80 over 60. Exam is significant for blunt head trauma. Unequal breath sounds, right pupil is dilated. And she's ready for X-ray." a nurse informs me

"Call ahead to clear CT. Let them know l'm coming. Load up the portable monitor. Call Respiratory for a ventilator. l'll get x-rays while l'm down there." i tell Izzie.

She rushes off to do what i ordered and i go back to the patient.

"She's going to spend a long time in recovery and rehab." George says

"If she survives." Alex mutters, not helping the situation

"Grey, scrub in." i say as i leave for the OR.

Derek and Dr. Burke come in as well to assist. The nurses catch them up and they follow along.

"ls she 5'2'',  100 pounds? She's breathing after what this guy did? Catch the guy, they should castrate him." Derek tells us

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