Chapter Twenty-Six

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I rush outside, Alex by my side. "Where's the trauma?" I ask Richard
"It got redirected to Seattle Pres." He frowns

"Damn it." I mumble
"Can I talk to you real quick?" I ask Alex
"Yeah sure." He replies

We head inside because it's really cold, "What's up?" Alex inquires
"I have a date tonight." I blurt out
"With who?" He asks

"Mark. He asked me out earlier." I tell him
"Oh. Well good for you." Alex shrugs
"But I'm not sure I want to go." I sigh

"Why not?" He questions
"Derek doesn't approve. He thinks Mark is a bad guy, and he told me to stay away from him." I explain
"Since when do you let anyone tell you what to do?" Alex scoffs

"If you want to go out with Sloan, go out with Sloan. And if you want to ditch him, you can come over and we can drink beer and watch a movie." Alex tells me

"Yeah you're right. But I don't think the timing is right, I'll be over at your apartment by 8." I mumble
"Okay, just bring the beer." He smirks

"I thought you had some already?" I question
"Nope. I was going to have you bring some over." Alex laughs
"Whatever, I need to go cancel on Mark. See you later." I say

Alex nods and I walk off to go find Mark. I end up finding him in the attending's lounge with Derek. "Hey Mariah." Derek smiles
"Hey." I smile back awkwardly

His pager goes off, "Oh well, I have to go." He mutters and leaves
"Hey beautiful. You couldn't resist not seeing me for a couple more hours?" Mark inquires

"Hey, about that. I'm going to have to cancel." I sigh
"What? Why?" He asks
"I just am not ready to date. I don't need a distraction, I need to focus on work. I'm sorry." I stammer

"That's the bullshit of an excuse you're going to give?" Mark scoffs
"Mark." I plead
"No just forget about it, it wasn't meant to be." He huffs and walks away

I sigh and decide to head back to the E.R until I get out of work.


Before I go to Alex's I stop by Meredith's lot change since I'm still in my scrubs. I go up the stairs to my room, I change into some jeans and a long sleeved shirt, throw on a hoodie and go back downstairs.

"Hey, Mariah. Where are you going?" Meredith asks
"I'm heading to Alex's to hang out, I'll be back later." I inform her

"Is this a friendly hangout or a sexual hangout?" She questions
"A friendly hangout. I don't like Alex that way." I explain
"Okay. Have fun." Meredith tuts and walks away

I get in my car and drive to the nearest store, since I need to get the beer. I get down grab a twelve pack and go pay. "Hey, Mami." The store clerk smirks, I roll my eyes and set the beer on the counter. "Are you drinking this all alone? I get off in ten minutes and we could drink this while I show you a good time." He tells me

"Fuck off." I snap
"Damn bitch, I'm sorry." The clerk scoffs
"I don't know who the fuck you're calling a bitch, but if you knew what was best you'd shut the fuck up." I spit

The clerk rolls his eyes and scans my beer, "15.34." He says
I pay him in exact change and get out off there as fast as I can.

When I get to Alex's apartment, I knock on his door. I get no response, "Alex! Open up!" I yell
I bang on the door, "Hurry up, don't be an ass." I huff
A few seconds later he comes to the door, shirtless and a towel on his waist. "I was in the shower, chill out." Alex tells me
"Whatever. Put some clothes on, I brought the beer." I mumble

"Wouldn't you prefer I stay like this?" He smirks
"Um. No, not at all." I frown
"But I'm pretty sure Izzie wouldn't mind." I mutter

"I'm going to go change." Alex sighs, trying to avoid the subject.
A couple of minutes pass and Alex comes back fully clothed this time. He sits on the couch and grabs the remote. I sit next to him, bringing the beer along with me. I place it in between us and get settled in. "What do you want to watch?" Alex asks
"I don't really care." I shrug

"I have a question." I state
"What, Mariah?" He asks
"How come you haven't asked her out? I know you like her." I question
"I can't Mariah, I-I just can't." Alex stutters

"Do you like her?" I inquire
"Maybe. Yeah, a little bit." He replies
"Then ask her out, I don't know what you're waiting for." I say, grabbing a beer and taking a swig from it.

"What about you and Sloan?" Alex asks, changing the subject.
"What about us? There's nothing there." I answer
"Do you like him?" He inquires
"I don't know." I mumble

"Well if you like him tell him, you can't just be a hypocrite." Alex laughs
"He's kind of mad at me for blowing him off tonight, plus I don't really think I actually like him." I explain

"Even if you don't like him, sleep with him. You've been so uptight these days, you need to get laid." Alex says

"Asshole." I tut, throwing him a pillow.
"Are we even going to watch a movie?" He asks, drinking from his beer.
"Eh, I don't know. Whatever you want." I mutter

"I think I'm going to go home actually. I have work tomorrow." I sigh
"Well tonight's hang out was a bust." Alex says
"Im sorry, I'm not feeling it tonight. I promise I'll make up for it." I tell him
"Okay, bye Mariah." Alex stammers


I don't end up going home, I end up going to Joe's for some tequila. When I walk inside I look around for anyone I know. The only person I find is the last one I expected to see. Mark. I sigh and make my way over, "Is this seat taken?" I ask

He looks up and frowns, "No." He says
I sit down next to him, "Joe! Can I get a tequila?" I call out
"On it!" Joe yells

"What are you doing here Mariah?" Mark questions
"Um, I needed a drink so I came to a bar to come get one." I explain
"I'm sorry." I tell him

"Whatever, forget about it." He mumbles
"You didn't need to come show pity." Mark says
"I'm perfectly-" I kiss Mark, cutting him off.

After a few seconds, I pull away. By that time, Joe has already handed me my drink. I take a swig from it and face the surprised Mark. "What was that for?" He inquires
"I like you. I didn't know it at first, but someone made me realize it." I tell him

Mark kisses me again, "I'm so glad for that someone." Mark smiles

So I'm at 2k now... Thank you guys so much!!! Well here's the update & I hope you like it. Don't forget to comment and vote!


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