Chapter Fourteen

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"What do you mean Addison? What happened?" I ask frantically

"She was hit by a car, driving home." Alex tells me

I grab a yellow trauma gown and rush to her room.

"Did anyone page the other Dr. Shepherd?" I question

Everyone looks at me, "Page him, dammit!" i order

Alex pages my brother and i go to Addison's side.

"What do we have?" I ask

"Blunt trauma to the abdomen and head. Liver lac, and possible brain bleed." A nurse says

The baby!

"CT is clear." Alex informs me

"Get a OB!" I yell

"We need to take her to the O.R." Dr. Webber announces

The OB-GYN arrives moments later, "I was paged?" She asks

"I need you to check for a fetal heartbeat. She's about to be 5 months." I tell her

"She's coding!" Alex yells

"I need a crash cart!" I demand

The crash cart is brought in and the nurses hand me the paddles

"Charge to 200."


"Come on Addison." I mutter under my breath

"Charge to 300."

Still v-fib

"Charge to 300 again

"She's back!" Alex announces

"We'll have to postpone the fetal heart beat, she's bleeding out." Richard tells the OB

We rush Addison to the O.R

Where is Derek?


"What's the status on the fetal heartbeat?" I ask

"I can't seem to find one." She replies

"Find one, dammit!" I yell, causing everyone to look at me

"We've repaired the liver lac." Richard says

"Dr. Shepherd, the force was too much on the baby. It's dead." The OB-GYN declares

"No, that's not possible. Are you sure?" I ask

"There is no fetal heartbeat." She frowns

"No! Fuck!" I exclaim

"I'll finish the surgery alone." I sigh

"Are you sure?" Richard questions

"Yeah. Just leave me a resident." I shrug

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