Chapter Six

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I wake up to the sunlight protruding through the window.

I look at the alarm clock on the nightstand besides me and see the time.

10:23 am

Holy shit, I'm late!

I get out my scrubs and quickly change into them. I have no time for breakfast or anything else so i rush down the stairs and go to my car.

I pull up to the hospital about ten minutes later, i rush to the emergency room as fast as i can, and when i get there i am greeted by a angry Richard and several irritated residents.

"Dr. Shepherd, you're late." Dr. Webber growls

"I know, and I'm sorry." i tell him as i walk up to my residents.

"We've got incoming ambulances." Bailey announces

"Lets go." i order my interns

"How many ambulances are there?" i question Bailey

"I think 2." she replies pulling on the yellow medical throw over

Both ambulances are here in a matter of seconds, i take the first one.

"What do we got?" i ask the paramedics as they wheel the patient out

"Jeffrey Davis, 65 year old male. Fell off a ladder. BP 70 over 135, in and out of consciousness. Stable for now." one of them informs me

I nod and help move Mr. Davis into a room, since he is old, he has a higher risk of something minor becoming major. I proceed to moving him from the stretcher and onto the bed, being extra careful.

I have my residents examine and run tests on him. They all come to the conclusion that Mr. Davis has a broken part of his spinal cord, which could risk paralysis.

I tell George to book a OR and have my other residents prep him for surgery.

Within a matter of minutes, my OR is booked and I'm on my way.

I grab my scalpel and make the incision on the skin above Mr. Davis' spinal cord.

I see the damage, its not major. But if i screw up, i could paralyze him.

I fix up his spinal cord cautiously, and close him up. Hopefully if i did it right, i saved him from being paralysed.

I take off my face mask, gloves and other stuff and wash my hands.

I make my way to the elevator so i can go back to the E.R, i push the button and wait.

The elevator finally comes to my stop, it dings open to reveal a empty elevator. I push the 7 button and wait to get to the E.R

Once i reach the E.R, i realize something.

I have not seen Derek or Meredith all day.

It killed me to see my brother like this, but i also knew that this was his fault for not divorcing Addison and he would just have to deal with it.

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